The Idi District Court in East Aceh, Aceh, sentenced M. Kasem bin Abdullah, 35, to death on Thursday after finding him ...
As the Indonesian government prepares to reopen the economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the transportation sector ...
The Jakarta Police confirmed that Metro TV editor Yodi Prabowo was murdered, with stab wounds on his neck and ...
Sam has just delivered lunch to a customer in East Jakarta from a restaurant located around five kilometers away from ...
President Joko Widodo emphasized that social assistance to overcome the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic should be ...
People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Chairman Bambang Soesatyo has called on the government to focus on the basic ...
West Kalimantan police’s anti-drug squad successfully staved off an attempt to smuggle five kilograms (kg) of ...
- were evacuated from the building. "Until now, three victims -- two men and one woman -- were moved to Tarakan ...
State-Owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir expressed keenness to witness people with high talent, capability, and ...
North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi called on community members to stay calm but vigilant in response to ...
Indonesian ride-hailing operator Gojek pledged to cooperate with the police in probing a bomb attack on the Medan city ...
The Jakarta Metropolitan Police has stepped up security and surveillance near its entrance gates in the aftermath of a ...
The police searched the house of the perpetrator of a suspected suicide bombing that took place at the Medan City ...
The National Police's Counterterrorism Squad Densus 88 continues to direct efforts to identify the perpetrator ...
The Indonesian police investigators still examined the composition of the bomb used in the suspected suicide bombing ...