
Collection of msc news, found 50 news.

Indonesia loses idealistic, humble figure,Widjajono Partowidagdo

Since he was installed as the deputy minister of energy and mineral resources (ESDM) in October 2011, Widjajono ...

NTT Com to Launch New Data Center in Malaysia

-         NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) and its wholly owned Malaysian ...

Provincial govt seeking world heritage status for Muaro Jambi site

The Jambi provincial administration is striving to have the ancient Muaro Jambi temple site at Muaro Jambi village in ...

Forest Friends youths replant habitat of Sumatran tigers

Winners of "Forest Friends", a program of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF.

Chloroquine now resistant to malaria

Chloroquine has become was resistant to malaria, the health ministry`s director of diseases caused by animals Dr.Rita ...