
Collection of narcotics news, found 1.301 news.

Pilot tested positive for morphine not of QZ8501: AirAsia

President-Director and CEO of AirAsia Indonesia Sunu Widyatmoko has asserted that the pilot who has been tested ...

Death row drug convicts hampering execution: AG

Attorney General M. Prasetyo said here Wednesday that drug convicts on death row are hindering execution by filing ...

China charges Jackie Chan`s son over drug offence

Chinas state prosecutor said on Monday it had formally charged Jaycee Chan, son of kung fu movie star Jackie Chan, ...

Indonesian government has exhibited good performance: DPD Chairman

The government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla (JK) has already shown signs of ...

ASEAN to strengthen collaboration to fight drug trafficking

The Third ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Drug Matters, held here on December 1-4, approved a concept to strengthen ...

64 drug traffickers to be executed

Vice-President Jusuf Kalla has confirmed that the government will go ahead with the execution of 64 drug traffickers ...

BNN confiscates eight tons of dried marijuana

The National Anti-narcotics Agency (BNN) has arrested in Riau Province a truck loaded with eight tons of dried ...

BNN needs 30 more rehabilitation centers for drug addicts

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) needs 30 more rehabilitation centers for narcotic drug addicts as part of efforts ...

No change without hard work: VP

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla said the advent of Muharram 1, 1436 Hegira Islamic New Year was comparable to the ...

US Navy ship visits North Sumatra

The USS RODNEY M. DAVIS, a U.S. Navy frigate with a crew of 200 sailors is visiting Medan, North Sumatra, from ...

Fights Against Illicit Drugs Intensified to Save Youths

Indonesia has to intensify fight against illicit drugs in order to save the nations younger generation, who are prone ...

Police arrest woman on drug trafficking charges

A 39-year-old woman was arrested by the police in Lubuklinggau district, South Sumatra, for allegedly trafficking ...

Malaysia to deport two Indonesian police officers: Official

Malaysia will deport two Indonesian police officers recently caught over an alleged involvement in a narcotic ...

Narcotics office investigating 2.5 kg of meth in N. Maluku

The National Narcotics Board (BNN) office in North Maluku province is investigating 2.5 kg of crystal meth believed ...

Bali police arrest Lithuanian narcotic suspect

The Bali police have arrested 12 narcotic suspects, including a Lithuanian, in the period between July and August, ...