#national awakening

Collection of national awakening news, found 381 news.

PAN eyes higher position in next elections

The National Mandate Party (PAN)s target was to win a larger number of votes and improve its position in the April 9 ...

Many people worried over Jokowi`s nomination: Megawati

General Chairperson of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri said some people ...

Political rivalry behind Aceh`s deadly shooting: Police chief

Indonesian Police Chief General Sutarman said political rivalry among parties was related to the Monday evening ...

Jokowi wants small group of political coalition

Presidential candidate from Indonesian democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that he wanted ...

Yudhoyono to attend Democratic Party campaign in N. Sumatra

Democratic Party (PD) General Chairman Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) is scheduled to attend the PD campaign in North ...

PKS targets big three in 2014 legislative elections

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), the fourth largest electoral contestant in the 2009 legislative elections, has set ...

PKB prepares two running mates for Jokowi

The National Awakening Party (PKB) had prepared two names it will offer to pair up with the Indonesian Democratic ...

Mbak Tutut campaigns for Golkar

Siti Hardiyanti, popularly known as Mbak Tutut, has decided to campaign for Golkar Party and has officially registered ...

Indonesian political parties kick off nationwide campaigns

A total of 12 Indonesian political parties at the national level kicked off a 21-day nationwide campaigns on Sunday to ...

Nasdem offers ten programs in Indonesian election campaign

The National Democratic Party (Nasdem), one of 12 national political parties, in its first campaign in Aceh provincial ...

Political parties kick off nationwide campaigns

A total of 12 political parties at the national level kicked off a 21-day nationwide campaigns on Sunday to win the ...

Jakarta police to deploy 18,000 personnel to secure election activities

The Jakarta Police will deploy about 18,000 personnel to secure all activities during the 2014 general election ...

Jokowi reads Pancasila in first campaign

Presidential candidate of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Joko "Jokowi" Widodo read the text of ...

Jokowi`s gubernatorial duties not affected by campaign trail: PDIP

Jakarta Governor Joko Widodos active involvement in the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggles (PDIP) campaign trail ...

Jokowi begins PDIP campaign in Jakarta

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) began its first-day campaign in Jakarta by sending its presidential ...