#national park

Collection of national park news, found 803 news.

TNI to evaluate security posts on Indonesia-Malaysia border

Indonesia will evaluate its security posts on the border with Malaysia to see if they need to be relocated or ...

Infrared cameras monitoring wildlife in Kerinci Seblat park

The Sumatran Tiger Patrol Team of The Forest Ranger Squad of Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS) has installed ...

No Indonesian among New Zealand quake victims

There was not a single Indonesian national among the victims of the 6.3 earthquake that struck Christchurch, New ...

First US grant for Indonesia's forest conservation signed

US Ambassador to Indonesia Scot Marciel and the secretary general of Indonesia`s Forestry Ministry Hadi Daryanto have ...

Papua`s natural resources conservation center to rehabilitate 1,500 hectares of Lorentz

The Papua Province Center for Conservation of Natural Resources will rehabilitate about 1,500 hectares of arid land in ...

Komodo`s rating as 7 Wonders finalist up

The rating of Indonesia`s Komodo (Varanus comodoensis) as a finalist in the selection of the world`s seven natural ...

Govt to sue N7W foundation if Komodo Park disqualified

The Indonesian government will sue the New Seven Wonders (N7W) Foundation if the latter removes the Komodo National ...

Bengkulu's conservation agency sets trap to catch tiger

Bengkulu`s Natural Resources and Conservation Agency (BKSDA) has set up a trap to catch a Sumatran Tiger (Panthera ...

Sumatran tiger population in Jambi keeps declining

The population of critically endangered Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris Sumatrae) in Jambi province keeps declining. ...

Elephant in Tesa Nilo national park delivers baby

A Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) named Lisa gave birth to a baby elephant on Monday in the Tesa Nilo ...

Sumatran elephants in Bengkulu increasingly isolated

Tens of Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus) living in limited production forests at the special function Elephant ...

Forestry ministry to hold workshop on climate change research

The forestry ministry is to organize a workshop on public communication on the results of climate change research at ...

Mt Merapi cold lava floods affecting students

At least 13 junior high school students in Tlogolele village, Selo subdistrict, Boyolali district, Central Java, ...

KNPI to host int`l youth forum on climate change

Indonesia`s National Youth Committee (KNPI) is to host an International Youth Forum on Climate Change campaign in ...

Boar Hunting Tradition Jambi`s Special Tourist Attraction

Wild boars and rats are annoying pests, destroying hundreds of hectares of rice fields and other crops every year in ...