
Collection of nationals news, found 1.340 news.

AL to send more observers to Syria within one week

The Arab League (AL) said Friday that more observers would be sent to Syria within one week although two monitors have ...

Three Indonesian boat fire survivors evacuated to christchurch

Three Indonesians on a South Korean fishing vessel who were injured when the boat caught fire near New Zealand were ...

Al Qaeda Africa wing threatens to kill Western hostages

Al Qaeda`s North African wing said it will kill its European hostages if France and its allies attack its bases in ...

KDEI gives legal assistance to detained Indonesians in Taiwan

The Indonesian Economic Trade Office (KDEI) in Taiwan continues to give legal assistance to two of its nationals who ...

Two britons charged over weapons in Afghanistan

Two British men arrested in Afghanistan with 30 AK-47 assault rifles have been charged with weapons smuggling, a ...

Pakistan confirms death of 37 nationals in Indonesian ship sinking

Pakistan Tuesday confirmed that 37 of its nationals have died after a ship sank in waters off the Indonesian East Java ...

About 300 Indonesians on death row abroad for drug offences

Almost 300 Indonesians are facing the death penalty abroad for involvement in narcotic drug cases, according to ...

Arab Spring makes 2011 busy year for Indonesia

Geographically Indonesia is quite far from Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen - Arab countries that experienced popular ...

The Freeport Case, government's lost conscience

The Political and security situation in Papua is still heating up, beginning with the repeated shootings spree at ...

Indonesians in Yemen not ready for evacuation

Indonesian Ambassador to Yemen Nurul Aulia said many Indonesian nationals staying in Yemen did not want to be ...

U.S. envoy on North Korea arrives in Japan

The top US envoy on North Korea arrived in Tokyo on Sunday on the latest leg of his first Asian tour in the wake of ...

Qaeda says holding 5 hostages, including French "spies"

Al-Qaeda`s North African wing claimed responsibility for kidnapping five foreigners in Mali last month, describing two ...

Twelve former Somali pirate hostages back in Indonesia

Twelve of 13 Indonesian nationals released recently by Somali pirates who had taken them hostage arrived at Jakarta`s ...

President Yudhoyono orders RI ambassador to Syria`s recall

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has instructed the foreign minister to recall the Indonesian ambassador to Syria ...

Saudi urges its citizens to leave unrest-hit Syria

The Saudi foreign ministry on Tuesday urged its citizens to leave Syria and not to travel to the Arab nation that has ...