
Collection of negotiations news, found 1.667 news.

People centered, people oriented ASEAN means more than slogan: FM

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi conveys that the principal of people-centered, people-oriented ASEAN must ...

Indonesia, Timor Leste establish SOC to settle border disputes

Indonesia and Timor Leste have agreed to establish a Senior Official Consultation (SOC) forum to formulate the ...

Trump`s game on tariff

On the day of his inauguration, the United States President Donald Trump stated that he was going to prioritize ...

Buddhist leader's annual peace proposal stresses power of youth in building global solidarity, calls on civil society to play active role in nuclear disarmament talks

-Daisaku Ikeda, president of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) Buddhist association, issued his 35th annual peace ...

Indonesia intensifies participation for creating world peace

Indonesia has decided that its foreign policy in 2017 will focus on intensifying interactions with other countries to ...

Indonesia to cancel plan to join Trans-Pacific Partnership

Indonesia will stop its plan to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) after President Donald Trump announced that ...

INdonesia respects democratic process in US

The Indonesian government and its people respect the democratic process in the US that has elected Donald Trump as the ...

Palkestine sets 2017 for end of israeli colonialism

At a meeting with Indonesian ambassador to Jordan and Palestine Teguh Wardoyo at the Presidential Office in Ramallah ...

Exports to increase up to 3.2 percent in 2017: CSIS

Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) estimates that Indonesia is able to increase its exports of up ...

Indonesia to intensify efforts to protect citizens abroad

The Indonesian government will go the extra mile to protect its citizens abroad, especially its nationals who have ...

Syria talks to kick off in Kazakhstan`s Astana on Jan. 23: UN Envoy

Russian and Turkish-backed Syria talks to take place in the Kazakh capital of Astana are expected to start on Jan. 23, ...

Brazilian prison riots kill 60

At least 56 people were killed in a brutal prison riot in Manaus, the largest city in northern Brazil, and another ...

UNSC welcomes Syria ceasefire brokered by Russia and Turkey

The United Nations Security Council on Saturday (Dec. 31, 2016) unanimously adopted a resolution welcoming a ceasefire ...

West Papua asked to prepare for railway project

The Central government has asked the regional administration of West Papua to accelerate preparation for the project ...

Indonesia, Russia yet to agree on Sukhoi SU-35 price

Indonesias Minister of Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu said he was yet to reach an agreement about the Sukhoi SU-35s price ...