
Collection of ngo news, found 497 news.

Women`s empowerment in ASEAN needs to be upgraded: Suu Kyi

Myanmar`s opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi remarked during the World Economic Forum on East Asia held here on Friday ...

98 killed in Syria violence tuesday: NGO

A total of 98 people, including 61 civilians, were killed in violence in Syria on Tuesday, as clashes raged between ...

Police investigate alleged embezzlement of Greenpeace donors` funds

Indonesian Police Criminal Investigators are investigating the alleged embezzlement of funds from Greenpeace`s 30,000 ...

Forestry ministry rejects claims of APP logging ramin woods

Director General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation of the Forestry Ministry Darori said there were no ...

Seeing REDD: WWF Poses "Direct Threat" to Livelihoods in Tanzania

-     Accusations of Evictions, Destruction of Crops, and Burning Homes Leveled Against ...

NGO save another orangutan in Ketapang

A non-governmental organization (NGO), West Kalimantan International Animal Rescue (IAR), has saved another orangutan ...

Some 49 convicts in corruption-related cases not yet jailed, NGO

Some 49 convicts involved in various corruption cases in Indonesia have not had their sentences carried out, a ...

Indonesia delegation to attend UN population meeting

An Indonesian delegation will attend the United Nations annual session on population issues scheduled to convene in ...

Civilian deaths up in 2011 Israeli-Palestinian fighting: NGO

The past year saw a sharp rise in the number of civilians killed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, an Israeli human ...

Qaeda says it killed US man in Yemen

An Al-Qaeda-linked group claimed responsibility Sunday for shooting dead an American teacher in Yemen, saying he was a ...

Orangutans Free At Last

In the Indonesian or Malay language, the word "orangutan" literally means "man of the forest", and this is not so ...

Allegations of Embezzlement; Norway Halts Funds to Anti-Indonesian NGO

-     - Scandal raises questions of WWF credibility, tarnishes reputation    The ...

BOS will release 600 orangutans in 2012

The Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation will set free a total of 600 orangutans into the Central Kalimantan ...

RI`s NGOs urge release of political prisoners in Myanmar

A number of Indonesian NGOs, organized as Indonesian Solidarity for ASEAN Peoples (SIAP), wrote a letter to ASEAN ...

Foreigner seized in Somalia is American: NGO

A foreign national kidnapped at the weekend in central Somalia is an American journalist and writer, a regional ...