#no quarantine

Collection of no quarantine news, found 1.142 news.

Jakarta's COVID-19 curve has begun flattening: Task Force Chief

The curve of COVID-19 infections in Jakarta has begun to flatten based on the risk map, chief of the expert team of the ...

Jakarta to quarantine, return entrants unable to present entry permit

Operator of the Pulo Gebang Integrated Bus Terminal in East Jakarta will quarantine or return to the origin cities ...

COVID-19 claims life of Lampung fuel truck driver: task force

A fuel truck driver in Bandarlampung, the capital of Lampung Province, died of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) ...

Perform Idul Fitri prayer at home: Istiqlal Mosque's grand imam

Istiqlal Mosque's grand imam, Professor KH Nasaruddin Umar, urged Indonesian Muslims nationwide to perform the Idul ...

Markets, shopping malls in East Java's Jember closed weeklong

The Jember district government in East Java has instructed traditional markets and shopping malls in its administrative ...

Health workers isolated, Kapuas Hospital's emergency unit closed

The emergency unit (IGD) of Dr. Soemarno Sostroatmodjo Public Hospital in Kuala Kapuas, Kapuas, Central Kalimantan, ...

Batam readies flats to quarantine 239 Malaysia-returned workers

A total of 239 Indonesian migrant workers, who returned from Malaysia through the Batam Port, will be quarantined in a ...

KKP emphasizes continually optimizing marine aquaculture production

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Minister Edhy Prabowo invited various stakeholders to continue to augment the ...

Sixteen health workers contracted COVID-19 in Probolinggo

Data of the Probolinggo Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Response indicated that 16 medical personnel and ...

News Focus

Staying apart may bring us closer to flattening COVID-19 curve

The coronavirus pandemic is changing how Idul Fitri festivities take place in Indonesia this year, with the rising ...

Over 200 repatriated Indonesians under quarantine at Hajj Dormitory

At least 207 of the 940 Indonesian nationals repatriated from overseas are still under quarantine at the Pondok Gede ...

Religious Affairs Minister urges people to celebrate Eid at home

Minister of Religious Affairs, Fachrul Razi, has asked people to heed the government's appeal to not return to ...

Tarakan's public hospital received 42 COVID-19 patients

Tarakan City's public hospital in North Kalimantan Province received 42 patients diagnosed with the new coronavirus ...

Public participation paramount in government's fight against COVID-19

Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko emphasized that the government would encounter difficulties in countering the ...

239 residents sent to Surabaya haj dormitory for 14-day quarantine

As many as 239 residents of the East Java city of Surabaya who may have suffered symptoms of new coronavirus have been ...