Education and health can support development of human resources (HRD) to welcome a demographic bonus in 2030 and ...
The Indonesian government must strengthen its efforts to protect the people from the dangers of cigarettes in order to ...
Various preventive efforts need to be done by every individual in Indonesia as the best possible solution to reduce ...
Health Minister Nila Djuwita Moeloek said at the opening of the Fourth Indonesia Conference for Tobacco or Health ...
The epidemic of tobacco consumption has reached an alarming level in Indonesia, where more than one-third of the ...
Health Minister Nila Djuwita Moeloek highlighted that the issue of cigarette smoking, notably the steady rise in the ...
Global public health experts Vital Strategies today congratulated health advocates, artists and the people of Kali ...
Smoking among youth can be significantly reduced by effectively enforcing prohibition of cigarette sales to children. ...
- The NCD Alliance yesterday evening announced that the second Global NCD Alliance Forum will take place on 9-11 ...
Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has underscored the importance of ASEAN-UN partnership to eradicate ...
Raising cigarette prices is considered one of the most effective ways to prevent and reduce smoking, especially among ...
Health Minister Nila F. Moeloek has said said one way to prevent diabetes is by early detection regularly every ...
- The Lien Foundation calls on governments and policy makers to hasten and improve their provision of palliative ...
Governments around the world should increase taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products to save lives and generate ...
1. We, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers, met on 7-8 November 2014, in Beijing, China. The meeting ...