#north jakarta

Collection of north jakarta news, found 989 news.

Sympathetic rally 55 to not exert pressure on court: GNPF-MUI

The May 5 (55) rally is not being held to apply pressure on the court that tends to indict Jakarta Governor Basuki ...

Muslim demonstrators urged to accept judges` verdict in Ahok`s trial

The National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Ulema Councils Fatwa (GNPF-MUI) leader Bachtiar Nasir has asked ...

Jakarta governor-elect promises to complete five-year term

Jakarta Governor-elect Anies Baswedan and his running mate, Deputy Governor-elect Sandiaga Uno, have reiterated their ...

Jakarta Election Commission officially announces Jakarta governor-elect

The General Election Commission (KPU) of Jakarta has officially announced the name of Anies Baswedan as the Jakarta ...

Judicial commission monitors process of blasphemy trial case

The Judicial Commission (KY) has been monitoring the process of a blasphemy trial case of Jakarta Governor Basuki ...

Election commission confirms Jakartans elect new governor

Just few hours after counting of ballot papers and the closing of 13,034 polling stations across Jakarta during the ...

Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno announced as winner in Jakarta election

The Jakarta Election Commission (KPU Jakarta) has announced that Anies Rasyid Baswedan, who pairs with Sandiaga ...

Next government to keep promise to stop Jakarta bay reclamation

Jakartas governor-elect will fulfill the promise to stop the reclamation project in Jakarta Bay, North Jakarta, ...

Ahok claims no evidence indicating he insulted Islam

Incumbent Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) defended himself by claiming there was no evidence that he ...

Priok power plant expected to be operational by 2019

Indonesia Power, the subsidiary of Indonesias national electricity company PT. PLN, is expected to be the fourth ...

Police arrest people attempting to undermine Jakarta election

Police security officers have arrested a group of people attempting to undermine the Jakarta gubernatorial election on ...

Millions of Jakartans decide their governor

Mariana walked in a hurry to a platform of Bogor Station to catch a commuter line train bound for the Jakarta Kota ...

Jakarta residents must feel secure to vote: Mily chief

Police and military personnel will be deployed at each polling station to provide security to residents who will vote ...

Condition of Baswedan`s eyes improving: KPK spokesperson

The condition of the eyes of the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)s senior investigator Novel ...

President inaugurates toll road access to Priok Port

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Saturday inaugurated toll road access to Tanjung Pirok Port, North Jakarta, to ...