#not delayed

Collection of not delayed news, found 711 news.

President Aquino seeks postponement of Mary Jane`s execution: AGO

The execution of Mary Jane (MJ) Fiesta Veloso is delayed following a request by the Filipino President Benigno Aquino ...

Mary Jane Veloso escapes second batch of executions

Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, a Filipino migrant worker and convicted drug smuggler, has escaped the second batch of ...

Climate factor causes rice price hikes: Observer

Agriculture observer Khudori said recent hikes in rice prices were mostly triggered by climate changes that caused a ...

Indonesia in a state of drug emergency: minister

Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa has reiterated that Indonesia is currently in a state of drug ...

Transportation ministry forms team to audit Lion Air

- The Directorate General of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation has set up a team to audit the ...

Jokowi urged to immediately install controversial police chief

Political observer Karel Susetyo said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) should immediately install Comr. Gen Budi Gunawan ...

French foreign minister postpones visit to Indonesia

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has delayed his visit to Indonesia as he will be attending a meeting in Belarus ...

Jasa Marga slightly overshoots profit target

Publicly traded state owned toll road operator and developer PT Jasa Marga (JM) said it slightly overshot its net ...

Acting police chief`s appointment may act as "time bomb": pollster

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodos move to delay the appointment of a definitive police chief will act as a "time bomb" ...

House approves Budi Gunawan as indonesian police chief

The House of Representatives (DPR) plenary session here Thursday approved Commissioner General Budi Gunawan as the ...

Indonesia Interior Minister halts implementation of e-ID card project

Since the beginning, the implementation of electronic-Identification (ID) card project has faced many problems such as ...

Govt to increase crude imports directly from producers

The Indonesian government is to increase crude oil imports under a direct purchase scheme to ensure supplies to ...

Govt to realize public-private cooperation by 2015

The government is resolved to implement public-private cooperation by 2015, despite the increasing state income, ...

Seven hotspots detected in South Barito

The NOAA18 Satellite detected seven hotspots of forest and plantation fires in South Barito District, Central ...

Haze resurfaces in various areas across kalimantan, sumatra

Haze emanating from forest fires and hotspots continues to shroud various parts of Kalimantan and Sumatra, hindering ...