#not enough

Collection of not enough news, found 2.476 news.

Rupiah gains on positive domestic sentiments

The Indonesian currency rupiah gained against the U.S. dollar trading at the level of 14,595 per dollar from earlier ...

Sumatran tiger trapped in riau market

The authority in Riau Province could not yet evacuate a Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris) stuck in a market in Pulau ...

Communication minister expects Korea to invest in start up Indonesia

Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara expects Korea to invest in developing a digital-based pilot or ...

West Java to build four retention basins to tackle flooding

West Java Governor M Ridwan Kamil (Emil) has proposed the construction of four retention basins to cope with flooding ...

Indonesia can be creative economic capital in Southeast Asia: Minister

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi has expressed optimistic that Indonesia would be able to become a creative ...

Rupiah continues to strengthen to Rp14,804

The movement of the rupiah exchange rate traded between banks in Jakarta on Tuesday afternoon continued to strengthen ...

News feature - Programs key to restoring disaster victims` normal life by Andi Abdussalam

Recovery programs should cover the three critical areas of shelter, food, and sources of income, as thousands of quake ...

CNH Industrial and Farmers Edge announce multi-year strategic partnership

- CNH Industrial (NYSE: CNHI/MI: CNHI), one of the world’s largest farm machinery manufacturers, and Farmers Edge™, ...

Brands from Indonesia win at the 2018 World Branding Awards at Kensington Palace

- The prestigious World Branding Awards, the ultimate global brand recognition accolade, saw 270 brands from 33 ...

Tidore to have special port for cruise ship

Tidore Islands City, North Maluku, will have a special cruise ship seaport, which is funded by a private consortium ...

Case of Taufik another big blow to parliament reputation: FORMAPPI

The corruption case involving Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Taufik Kurniawan serves another big ...

Rupiah falls in opening of inter-bank transactions on Tuesday

The national currency rupiah fell 20 points in value in the opening inter-bank transactions to the level of 15,225 per ...

Jokowi announces no more toll fee in Suramadu bridge

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) announced on Saturday, that all vehicles are free to use the Suramadu (Surabaya-Madura) ...

News feature - Parental role remains critical to preventing stunting By Otniel Tamindael

Despite the prevalence of stunted growth among children in Indonesia having dropped, from 37.2 percent in 2013 to 30.8 ...

Government needs to improve data on rice production

The government needs to improve its data on rice production, as accurate figures will be important in deciding whether ...