#not enough

Collection of not enough news, found 2.476 news.

Health challenge in 72nd year of independence

The challenge of the health sector in the 72nd year of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia is to unite and ...

Indonesia reports deficit in international trade

Indonesia suffered a deficit of US$270 million in its international trade in July, the Central Bureau of Statistic ...

Indonesia urges UN to issue Rights of Ocean

Indonesia has urged the United Nations to issue Rights of Ocean or a legal regulation to protect marine potentials of ...

Indonesia`s forex reserves up US$4.57 billion to $127.7 billion

Indonesias foreign exchange reserves rose by US$4.67 billion to $127.76 billion as of late July 2017 from S$123.09 ...

Some 1,834 suspects detained in illegal levy cases: Chief minister

A total of 1,834 suspects have been detained by the police till July 2017 in illegal levies cases, Coordinating ...

Indonesia should learn from Malaysia

In the past, Malaysia highly depended on the presence of Indonesian teachers and lecturers at its schools and ...

Govt to continue improving system to fight corruption: President Jokowi

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said here on Thursday that he would continue to improve the system of ...

VP Kalla inaugurates construction of water management system

Vice President Jusuf Kalla inaugurated the construction of a water management system in Umbulan, Pasuruan District, ...

What would be the impact of Setya shock on pansus?

Finally, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) announced what it earlier said that a new suspect would be named ...

North Sumatra set to chalk up increase in rice production

The province of North Sumatra is set to continue to boost its rice production after hitting a record high in 11 years ...

Palestine urges int`l community to protect Al Aqsa Mosque

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged the international community and the Arab and Islamic world to ...

BMKG, Japan conduct joint research related to earthquake prediction

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of Indonesia is teaming up with the Earthquake Prediction ...

Kenyan runner wins Mandiri Bogor Sundown Marathon

Kenyan runners, James Karanja won the first ever predawn marathon championship which was held at 01.00 a.m. on Sunday ...

Indonesia`s forex reserves down $1.86 billion: BI

Indonesias foreign exchange reserves fell US$1.86 billion to US$123.09 billion in late June 2017 from US$124.95 ...

Pupuk Indonesia distributes 4.35 million tons of subsidized fertilizers

Jakarta (ANTARA News)  - State fertilizer company PT Pupuk Indonesia distributed 4.35 million tons of subsidized ...