#not enough

Collection of not enough news, found 2.476 news.

President calls for social media education in Islamic boarding schools

President Joko Widodo has called on the Islamic boarding school to educate the students about social media utilization ...

FAO focus on "Food Security" this World Food Day supported by CropLife Asia

This World Food Day CropLife Asia commended the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for its ...

Indonesian brands celebrate win at the 2017 World Branding Awards at Kensington Palace

- The fourth edition of the prestigious World Branding Awards saw 245 brands from 32 countries named "Brand of the ...

Indonesia complains about Malaysia`s commitment to fighting drugs

Indonesia has expressed concern over Malaysias inability and lack of commitment to fight narcotic drugs in the ASEAN ...

Anti-graft agency seeks new investigation warrant for House Speaker

Indonesias anti-graft agency KPK is seeking a new investigation warrant after its naming of House Speaker Setya ...

Darmin: There is room for cutting lending rate

Coordinating Minister for Economy Darmin Nasution said there is still room or step that could be taken by the ...

Research finds equipment of gym much dirtier than people think

Are you still going to the gym? Have you ever thought about how much germ you would expose to when you use the ...

Indonesia on rhino emergency status

Indonesia is in Rhino emergency status after this protected animal habitat declined to three from eight locations ...

Efforts to reduce economic burden from health costs

Various preventive efforts need to be done by every individual in Indonesia as the best possible solution to reduce ...

Sri Mulyani warns of global economic risk in 2018

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani warned of global risks that could affect the country's economic condition and efforts to ...

Nearly 90,000 Rohingya escape Myanmar violence as humanitarian crisis looms

Nearly 90,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh since violence erupted in Myanmar in August, pressuring scarce ...

Indonesia condemns North Korea's nuclear test

Jakarta (ANTARA News - The Indonesian government has condemned the nuclear test conducted by North Korea on Sunday, as ...

Family planning in Lebak makes significant progress

The family planning program through the presence of Family Planning Villages, better known as Kampung KB, in Lebak ...

North Korea says it has developed "advanced hydrogen bomb"

North Korea said on Sunday it has developed an advanced hydrogen bomb that possesses "great destructive power" as US ...

MA decision on app-based taxi service feared to trigger unrest

The Supreme Courts (MAs) decision on the judicial review of Transportation Ministers Regulation No. 26/2017 on Public ...