#not illegal

Collection of not illegal news, found 3.324 news.

Egon Zehnder Global Board Diversity Tracker shows slow and insufficient progress — urging measurable action

Egon Zehnder, the world's leadership advisory firm, today released the results of its 2020 Global Board Diversity ...

KKP detains Malaysian vessel over alleged poaching in Malacca Straits

The Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) detained a Malaysian-flagged vessel for allegedly poaching in ...

DJBC foils attempt to illegally export lobster seeds to Vietnam

The Finance Ministry's directorate general of customs and excise (DJBC) thwarted an attempt to illegally export ...

43 Indonesian human-trafficking victims repatriated: Foreign Minister

At least 43 Indonesians who reportedly fell prey to human-trafficking operations in the Middle Eastern countries were ...

Singapore key market for Bangka Belitung's processed tin exports

Singapore remained the main market for Bangka Belitung Province's processed tin exports in the first 10 months of ...

Aceh's 19 fishermen repatriated from India after year-long jail term

A total of 19 Acehnese fishermen will be repatriated to Indonesia on December 12 after completion of a year-long jail ...

Jokowi calls for reforming ecosystem of migrant worker dispatch

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has pressed for conducting reform of the migrant worker dispatch ecosystem to offer ...

Indonesia to build naval base, combat command in Natuna

The National Defense Forces (TNI) will build a main naval base and combat command in Natuna district, Riau Islands ...

Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand to sign customs cooperation pact

Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand have finished discussing the frame of cooperation (FoC) in the customs, immigration, ...

Some 900 banners portraying Habib Rizieq Shihab removed: mily officer

Jaya Regional Military Commander (Pangdam Jaya) Maj. Gen. Dudung Abdurachman confirmed to some 900 banners portraying ...

G20 Riyadh Summit agrees on Indonesia's notes on creative economy

The G20 Riyadh Leaders' Summit agreed on some of Indonesia's proposals, including a call on major economies to ...

President highlights benefits of Job Creation Law to OPEC members

President Joko Widodo drew the attention of participants of the 2020 APEC CEO Dialogues meeting to the six benefits of ...

West Aceh district opens rehab facility for drug users

The West Aceh district administration has set up a rehabilitation facility at a hospital in Beureugang village, Kaway ...

Papua police continue probe into arms smuggling racket

West Papua Police are investigating an illegal racket involving the smuggling of firearms from the Philippines to an ...

West Papua police foil arms trafficking operation; arrest three

West Papua police thwarted an attempt by an underground arms syndicate to trade weapons and ammunition smuggled from ...