#nutritional intake

Collection of nutritional intake news, found 181 news.

Indonesia eyes emerging overall champion in 2020 ASEAN Para Games

Indonesia has set a target to emerge as the overall champion in the 2020 ASEAN Para Games scheduled on January 18-25 ...

News feature - Parental role remains critical to preventing stunting By Otniel Tamindael

Despite the prevalence of stunted growth among children in Indonesia having dropped, from 37.2 percent in 2013 to 30.8 ...

Parental attention can help overcome malnutrition

Several factors, including the lack of parental attention due to busyness factor, can lead to nutritional deficiency ...

Improving the quality of human resources

The future of Indonesia depends on human resources of good quality, excellence, and strong competitiveness in the face ...

People expected to help overcome stunting problem

One of the health problems faced by Indonesia is stunting in children, which could affect the future ...

President Jokowi calls on people to consume local food

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has urged the people to consume local foods as the main nutritional intake to prevent ...

Government continues to promote fish consumption program

The government of Indonesia, which is an island country rich in various fish resources, continues to promote its fish ...

Nobel Peace Prize winner Prof. Yunus praises Ajinomoto for its sustainable social business

- Takaaki Nishii, CEO of Ajinomoto Co., Inc. (Ajinomoto)(TOKYO:2802) met with Prof. Yunus, a Nobel ...

Anemia during pregnancy may lead to stunted growth

Women who are underweight and anemic during pregnancy are more likely to have stunted children, perpetuating the ...

Eating fish for health, and to improve intelligence

Eat Fish for Building Intelligence, Health, and Strength. There was a time when the former fisheries product ...

Nutritional intake for children must get attention: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ask parents to pay attention to the nutritional intake of their children under five ...

Herbalife’s Nutrition At Work Survey reveals majority of Asia-Pacific’s workforce lead largely sedentary lifestyles, putting them at risk of obesity

- Herbalife, a global nutrition company (NYSE: HLF), today released the findings from the new Nutrition ...

Indonesians urged to eat more fish

Living in a country, which is rich in fisheries resources, the Indonesian people have been urged to eat more fish to ...

Indonesian human development index improving: Minister

Indonesian Health Minister Nila Farid Moeloek said the Indonesian Human Development Index has improved to 7.3 from the ...

Indonesian U-19 soccer team nutritional intake should be prioritized

House of Representatives (DPR) commission-X member Anton Sukartono Suratto has urged the government and the team coach ...