#operation ketupat

Collection of operation ketupat news, found 49 news.

Traffic accidents drop by 30 percent during Operation Ketupat: Police

The number of traffic accidents during "Operation Ketupat 2018" held during the Eid festivities dropped by ...

Traffic accidents during Lebaran drop 30 percent

The number of traffic accidents usually increases sharply during Eid Al-Ftri or Lebaran season, as millions of people ...

Police record 771 traffic accidents on Lebaran exodus

Police have recorded 771 traffic accidents, which was down 19 percent from those last year, during their `Operation ...

Police chief leads roll call of operation "Ketupat" 2018

Indonesian Police Chief General Tito Karavian led a roll call of Operation "Ketupat" 2018 being carried out ...

Indonesian DVI team to help Malaysia: police chief

The National Polices Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team members will work in tandem with the Indonesian Foreign ...

Good transport services ensure smooth transfers during Idul Fitri

The Indonesian people`s tradition of celebrating Idul Fitri in their hometowns with their extended families often ...

719 people killed in road accidents during Idul Fitri holidays

Police have recorded that a total of 719 people were killed in traffic accidents during the post-fasting Lebaran ...

518 people killed in traffic accidents during Idul Fitri exodus

A total of 518 people were killed in 2,337 traffic accidents occurring up to three days after (D+3) Idul Fitri that ...

15 killed in W. Kalimantan traffic accidents

Fifteen fatalities due to traffic accidents were recorded in West Kalimantan during the Idul Fitri exodus, a policeman ...

Eight people killed in 37 traffic accidents in Riau

During the Operation "Ketupat" from August 2 to 11, eight people were killed in 37 traffic accidents in Riau Province, ...

Idul Fitri exodus sees fewer traffic accidents

The number of traffic accidents across Indonesia has decreased compared with the same time last year, despite the ...

Perfect system or order is an illusion: president

There is no perfect system or order and therefore continuous correction is needed to reach the national goal of ...

Idul fitri traffic accidents up, police to evaluate

Millions of Idul Fitri travelers hit the roads again in a reverse Idul Fitri exodus which peaked on Saturday and ...

Motorcycle Still Preferred By Lebaran Holiday Travelers

Despite the obvious safety risks of long-haul travel on motorcycles in the countryside, many big city residents have ...

Motorcycle still preferred by Lebaran holiday travelers

Despite the obvious safety risks of long-haul travel on motorcycles in the countryside, many big city residents ...