#opposition parties

Collection of opposition parties news, found 71 news.

Pro-Kremlin demos draw thousands on May Day in Russia

Pro-Kremlin parties and trade unions brought thousands of people onto the streets in May Day demonstrations Sunday as ...

Yemen`s Saleh says ready for peaceful power-transfer

Embattled Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh said Monday he was ready for a "peaceful" and constitutional transfer of ...

US presses but Egypt rejects `hasty` reforms

The United States urged Egypt to immediately lift an emergency law and launch democratic reforms as protestors staged ...

Egypt protests draw biggest crowd yet

Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators flooded Cairo`s iconic Tahrir Square and towns across Egypt on Tuesday, in the ...

US calls sees `progress` in Egypt

US President Barack Obama said Monday he believed there was progress in Egypt a day after Egyptian Vice President Omar ...

Opposition divided over Egypt`s power shift plan

Opposition groups demanding the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak failed to agree a common position before ...

Yemen creates fund to employ university graduates

Yemen`s president, facing protests calling for his ouster, as ordered the creation of a fund to employ university ...

Tunisia`s Islamist leader returning from exile

Rached Ghannouchi, the leader of Tunisia`s Islamist movement Ennahda, boarded a plane Sunday to return home from ...

Govt should promote clerics role in governance: Observer

The government should involve and optimize the function of clerics in governance as preachers and advisers to ...

Japan pm enjoys poll boost after reshuffle

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan enjoyed a boost in opinion polls published Sunday after reshuffling his cabinet, but ...

Ambassador: all Indonesians in Tunisia safe

Indonesians living in Tunisia have been evacuated to the Indonesian embassy following clashes between security forces ...