Riot police were sent in to battle growing unrest in a north London district Saturday after rioters torched two patrol ...
Army Chief of Staff General Pramono Edhie Wibowo said he had not seen any indication yet of foreign infiltration in ...
A landmine on Tuesday killed four Ethiopian UN peacekeepers and badly wounded seven others on patrol in the disputed ...
A suicide attacker killed 12 Afghan policemen and a child in the southern city of Lashkar Gah on Sunday when he ...
Seven cargo ship crew members survived an inferno at the "Fajar Biru" by jumping into the Java Sea some 10 miles of ...
Seventeen yachts in their international race from Darwin (North Australia) to Ambon, Maluku province are competing to ...
An Italian soldier was killed and two others injured on Monday during an operation in Afghanistan, the military ...
The Indonesian and Singaporean navies are conducting a joint civic mission in Tanjung Piayu, Sie Beduk, Batam. ...
A British soldier has been shot dead in southern Afghanistan, the 376th British serviceman to die there since 2001, ...
A French soldier was killed Thursday in a skirmish in Afghanistan, just a day after five others died in a suicide ...
Sri Lankan illegal immigrants caught in the Indonesian waters in Riau Islands recently still remained aboard their ...
A Danish soldier was killed in an explosion in the southern Afghan province of Helmand Sunday morning, the Danish ...
Four militants and one soldier were killed in a clash in southern Yemen on Sunday. The September 26 government ...
National Police chief General Timur Pradopo presented awards to officers involved in the "Walet Rencong 2010" ...
Two soldiers and a civilian were killed and 10 other people wounded in bombings in Iraq on Wednesday, an army officer ...