
Collection of pekanbaru news, found 1.183 news.

Polonia security nab passenger carrying 7.4 kg of meth

Security officers of Polonia Airport here on Friday nabbed a Garuda Indonesia passenger for carrying 7.4 kg of ...

Campaign on komodo unites Indonesian people

The komodo dragon, the world`s last remaining prehistoric giant lizard, is to be found only in Komodo National Park, ...

Riau schools short of geography teachers

Riau province is short of more than 100 geography teachers for its schools, especially in remote regions, a provincial ...

Police rescue five human trafficking victims from brothel

Riau`s Integrated Service Center for Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) is currently taking care of five ...

Pertamina to expand lubricants market to US

PT Pertamina will expand its lubricants market to the US in 2012 or earlier than expected , the company`s assistant ...

news focus: Indonesia on alert over return of bird flu

Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih has been closely following the apparent return of bird flu or avian ...

Angkasa Pura II needs Rp2.45 trillion to improve airports

Airport management company PT Angkasa Pura II needs an investment of around Rp2.54 trillion to develop a number of ...

Police foil attempt to smuggle out 45 kg of meth

Lampung Police`s Bakauheni Seaport unit foiled an attempt to smuggle out 45 kg of methamphetamine here on Monday ...

Riau`s exports to seven main destinations fall

Riau province`s non-oil/non-gas exports to its seven main export destinations fell in July 2011, causing its overall ...

Tropical storm in Thailand to affect weather in Riau

A tropical storm in Thailand is predicted to create extreme weather conditions in parts of Sumatra, including Riau ...

Biosphere reserves should improve local people`s livelihoods

Besides protecting the ecology and biodiversity, the existence of biosphere reserves in Indonesia should also improve ...

Indonesia proposes bio-village in SSC int`l workshop

Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan said the Indonesian government proposed bio-village concept in the second ...

Minister reiterates govt`s commitment to sustainable forestry development policies

Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan has reiterated the government`s commitment to applying forestry development policies ...

Riau to host biosphere discussion

A total of 18 countries will participate in a discussion on Man and Biosphere concepts in Pekanbaru, Riau province, ...

Sumatran tiger population now only 400 : Greenpeace

The tiger population in the wild in Sumatra is believed to have dwindled to only 400 heads due to illegal logging in ...