
Collection of personnel news, found 6.609 news.

Cross-border drug trafficker arrested in North Sumatra's Asahan

The North Sumatra police arrested a cross-border drug trafficker suspected to belong to a Malaysia-Indonesia syndicate ...

Midea Group Breaks Revenue and Profit Records with RMB 373.7 Billion in 2023

- Midea Group, the world's largest home appliance supplier, has reported impressive growth and record profits in its ...

More tents erected in East Java's Bawean Island over aftershock fears

East Java's Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) personnel set up more emergency tents in Bawean Island, as several ...

Independent Curriculum now national curriculum: Ministry

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has declared the Independent Curriculum as the national ...

Leave earlier for Eid homecoming, minister appeals to people

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi advised people to undertake Eid al-Fitr homecoming travel earlier to avoid ...

Quake survivors in E Java's Bawean Island need therapy: BNPB

East Java Office reported that the earthquake affected 17,644 Bawean islanders. They comprise 6,277 children, 8,834 ...

Minister Anas supports bureaucratic reform of National Library

State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN RB) Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas provided suggestions to the National ...

Papua Police send 30 Brimob rangers to Central Papua following assault

The Papua Police deployed 30 rangers from its elite Mobile Brigade (Brimob) to the Ndeotadi 99 police post in Paniai ...

Papua Police arrest two PNG citizens for allegedly smuggling marijuana

Papua police officers arrested two PNG citizens for allegedly smuggling 51 packages of marijuana from their country ...

SAR team finds 69 Rohingya immigrants after boat capsized in Aceh

The Banda Aceh Search and Rescue (SAR) Office team found 69 Rohingya immigrants who were victims of an incident in ...

Army providing free healthcare services to native Papuans in Kimaam

Indonesian soldiers from the 125/SMB Infantry Battalion Task Force provided free healthcare services to native Papuans ...

Catalyst teachers trained to be learning leaders: ministry

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) has said that catalyst teachers ...

Guangdong Provincial Delegation Open Group Activities to Domestic and Foreign Media

On the morning of March 7, the Guangdong Provincial Delegation to the Second Session of the 14th National ...

Revitalizing OSH centers shows govt's seriousness: ministry

Indonesia's Ministry of Manpower informed that the massive revitalization of occupational safety and health (OSH) ...

Unand sends doctors, nurses to Pesisir Selatan's disaster-hit areas

West Sumatra Office's rapid damage assessment, the recent flash floods and landslides had also damaged some 3,437 ...