
Collection of plantation news, found 1.793 news.

Armed group kidnaps four people in C Kalimantan

A group of armed people abducted four residents while working in an oil palm plantation in East Kotawaringin district, ...

Attica Zoological Park inaugurates Sumatran tiger exhibit

The Attica Zoological Park in Athens, Greece, announced the inauguration of its new Sumatran tiger exhibit on October ...

Earth Wire -- Poaching rate of Sumatran tiger remains alarming

The poaching of Sumatran tigers across the island of Sumatra for trading remains at an alarming rate, though the ...

Earth Wire -- Manokwari considering development of agro-forestry

The Forestry Service of the regency of Manokwari, West Papua Barat said it is considering development of agro forestry ...

Bogor Agricultural Institute introduces Science Techno Park

The Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB) in Bogor, West Java province, has introduced a Science Techno Park, an ...

Santoso terrorist group members must surrender: National police chief

National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian on Tuesday urged the remaining members of the East Indonesia Mujahidin ...

Another member of Santoso group killed: Police

Police confirmed here on Monday that another member of the Santoso-led terrorist group has been killed in Poso, ...

Satellite detects 63 hotspots on Sumatra Island

NASAs satellite detected 63 hotspots on Sumatra Island on Friday, a sharp increase from the 14 found on the previous ...

140 hotspots detected in West Kalimantan

A total of 140 hotspots indicating forest, peatland and plantation fires, were detected in West Kalimantan Province, ...

Satellites detect 37 hotspots across Sumatra Island

The Terra and Aqua satellites of NASA detected 37 hotspots in five provinces across Sumatra Island on Sunday. The ...

Jokowi calls for stronger ASEAN economic cooperation

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Tuesday called for stronger economic cooperation among the 10 country Association of ...

BI meets regents to seek new drivers of economic growth

Bank Indonesia (BI) held a joint review with 28 regents and vice regents to explore new drivers of economic growth to ...

Legal enforcement stepped up to combat forest fires

Riaus inhabitants have long yearned to lead a haze-free existence as they have reeled under the impacts of smoke ...

House to issue regulation to curb illegal CPO practices

The House of Representatives (DPR) will issue a new regulation to curb illegal practices and smuggling of crude palm ...

All-out fight against forest fires in Sumatra, Kalimantan

The Indonesian authorities had a fleeting sense of relief that there had been no haze from forest fires until early ...