#police arrested

Collection of police arrested news, found 379 news.

News Focus

Protecting Orangutans in natural habitat deemed crucial

- as well as three females -- Borneos mother Buntok (12), Paijah (15), and Danida (13). All six of the orangutan ...

Drug producers and dealers are Indonesia`s number one enemy

This week, the Indonesian public was again at the receiving end of a shocking news of a politician arrested for ...

Attempt to smuggle seven kg of crystal meth from Malaysia thwarted

The Police Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) has seized seven kilograms of crystal methamphetamine allegedly ...

Police shot dead two drug suspects

Anti narcotic squad of the Indonesian police shot dead two alleged members of drug syndicate of ...

37 inmates who escaped from Aceh prison arrested

The Banda Aceh City Police arrested 37 of 113 inmates who escaped from the Lambaro correctional facility in Aceh Besar ...

Police unveil 15 drug cases in n Sumatra

The Narcotics Directorate of North Sumatra Police said it has unveiled 15 cases of international drug syndicates ...

Police seize 20kg of methamphetamine smuggled from Malaysia

Director of Drug Crime division of the National Police Force Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) Brigadier ...

Two suspected drug couriers sentenced to death

The Bengkalis district court in the Indonesian province of Riau handed down death sentence to two suspected drug ...

Police confiscate 250 kilograms of marijuana in Langkat

Police have confiscated 250 kilograms of marijuana following the arrest of two drug suspects in the district of ...

Police arrest two for killing elephant in East Aceh

The police arrested two people for killing an elephant belonging to the Conservation Response Unit in June ...

Bali deports 105 Chinese for cyber fraud

Kuta, Bali, (ANTARA News) The Bali police have deported 105 Chinese nationals who were part of an alleged cyber fraud ...

Police arrest trafficker of methamphetamine

South Kalimantan police has nabbed a drug trafficker found with a parcel of methamphetamine in his belt. "The ...

Anti-terror squad arrests four terror suspects in Tangerang

The Densus 88 Anti Terror Squad of the National Police Headquarters and the Resort Police of Tangerang have arrested ...

Police arrest 13 terror suspects

The Densus 88 anti-terror squad has until Tuesday arrested 13 terror suspects in East Java, police said. East Java ...

Police arrest 23 people on drug charges

Police arrested 23 people on charges of abusing drugs at a wedding party in the Lampung provincial capital of ...