
Collection of polisi news, found 100 news.

Australian man found hanging in his Bali home

An Australian man was found hanging in his house in Dalung residence of Badung District, Bali, on Saturday. ...

Tembakan ke masjid Thailand tewaskan seorang pria

Sejumlah pria bersenjata melepaskan tembakan di satu masjid di Thailand selatan yang dilanda pemberontakan, Senin, ...

PM Vietnam perintahkan pencarian tanpa henti Malaysian Airlines

Perdana Menteri (PM) Vietnam Nguyen Tan Dung memerintahkan seluruh tim pencarian dan pertolongannya agar bekerja tanpa ...

Dua pemrotes terluka tembak di Bangkok

Dua orang pemrotes pemerintah Thailand ditembak dan terluka di Bangkok pada Senin, demikian keterangan seorang pejabat ...

PM Thailand tolak tuntutan pemrotes

Perdana Menteri (PM) Thailand, Yingluck Shinawatra, pada Senin menolak tuntutan pengunjuk rasa anti-pemerintah yang ...

Pengunjuk rasa anti-pemerintah Thailand duduki kementerian keuangan

Pengunjuk rasa Thailand pada Senin menyerbu kementerian keuangan dan mengancam menduduki lebih banyak kantor ...

Malaysia bentuk pasukan elit polisi

Pasukan elit yang dibentuk Polisi Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) untuk memberantas kejahatan berat akan mulai beroperasi pada ...

80 Afghan police killed every weks in `fighting season`

Nearly 80 Afghan police have died every week during the current fighting season, officials said Tuesday, as the ...

Police arrest terrorist suspect in Jakarta

Police have nabbed a terrorist suspect identified as IH in East Jakarta with firearms, and hundreds of bullets. IH ...

Police arrests suspected terrorists in Bekasi

The police`s special anti terror squad known as Densus 88 has arrested a number of terrorist suspects in raids of two ...

Shot at after trying to grab a police weapon in Timika

A man was wounded after being shot at when trying to grab a weapon of a patrolling police officer in Timika on Sunday, ...

Indonesia needs to increase number of its forest rangers

Indonesia needs to increase the number of its forest rangers and forest technicians in the field to prevent rare ...

Police still hunting down suspects of Tasikmalaya bomb terror

The police is still hunting down suspects who allegedly had put a locally made bomb at Tasikmalaya district`s Police ...

KPK should take over the suspicious bank account case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) should handle the case pertaining to a suspicious bank account which is ...

Colombian police seize 3.8 tons of cocaine

Colombian police on Tuesday seized more than 3.8 tons of cocaine in the northern city of Cartagena, authorities ...