#political rights

Collection of political rights news, found 96 news.

Elections commission performs professional work: Observer

Political observer of Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) R Siti Zuhro said the General Elections Commission (KPU) ...

Indonedis election fraud violates human rights: Komnas HAM

Vote manipulation and rigging can be categorized as a violation of human rights, Human Rights Commissioner Natalius ...

Indonesia concerned over Egypt`s mass death penalty

Many countries, including Indonesia, reacted to another preliminary mass death sentence handed by a court in Egypt, ...

Political rivalry behind Aceh`s deadly shooting: Police chief

Indonesian Police Chief General Sutarman said political rivalry among parties was related to the Monday evening ...

Visually impaired demand rights to vote by secret ballot

Within the next 15 days, Indonesian people will cast their votes in the legislative elections, but those with visual ...

UN right chief hits Israel over settlements

The building of Israeli settlements and attacks by settlers on Palestinians are a major source of much abuse of ...

Former provincial governor jailed for 14 years for corruption

Former governor of Sumatras Riau province Rusli Zainal was sentenced to 14 years in jail for corruption here on ...

President chairs consultation meeting on eligible voters` list

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono chaired a consultation meeting on the Eligible Voters List (DPT) with chiefs of ...

Amnesty International highlights deteriorating human rights situation in Saudi Arabia

Amnesty International has accused Saudi Arabia of failing to live up to all promises to address the dire human rights ...

Maluku Southernmost Islanders Yearn for Autonomy

Located in the southernmost part of Indonesia`s Maluku province are outlying islands, including Lirang, Wetar, Kisar, ...

The Fall of Egyptian Democracy

Yet another revolution shook Egypt. Only two years after the revolution against Mobarak, Egyptians flooded streets ...

Violence against Shiite muslims in Sampang condemned

Various parties including NGOs, politicians, ministers and the president have condemned the latest violence against ...

Aceh voters go to polling stations in peace

Thousands of people in all districts across the Indonesian westernmost province of Aceh went to the polling stations ...

Rights body to field monitoring team in Aceh

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) plans to field four teams to monitor the people of Aceh in ...

Retired military personnel must stay away from practical politics

Retired military personnel are urged to remain neutral and avoid getting involved in practical politics, political ...