#prime minister benjamin netanyahu

Collection of prime minister benjamin netanyahu news, found 172 news.

Trump, Israel`s Netanyahu to meet at White House

U.S. President Donald Trump will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a meeting at the White House on ...

Hundreds of thousands of Indonesians rally in support of Palestine

At least several hundred thousand people staged a peace rally at the National Monument in Jakarta on Sunday to show ...

Jerusalem forever belongs to Palestine

Meet Dr Norman Gary Finkelstein, 64, an American political scientist, activist, professor, author, and Jewish. ...

Indonesia opposes US` recognition of Jerusalem as Israel`s capital

US President Donald Trump on Wednesday formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel sparking commotion ...

Two-state solution returns Palestinian territory: Ambassador

Indonesian Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran Octavino Alimudin stated that the two-state solution will ...

"Time has come" for Australia to recognize Palestine: Former PM

The "time has come" for Australia to officially recognize Palestine, Australian former Prime Minister and respected ...

Israel to re-asses U.N. ties after settlement resolution, says Netanyahu

Israel will re-assess its tieswith the United Nations following the adoption by the Security Council of a resolution ...

Israeli gov`t to offer Amona settlers new land in West Bank

The Israeli government drafted a deal to relocate residents of the unauthorized West Bank Jewish outpost of Amona to ...

MP deplores senior Indonesian journalists` visit to Israel

Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission I Mahfudz Siddiq has deplored senior Indonesian journalists ...

Greek parliament urges government to recognise Palestine

Greeces parliament approved a resolution on Tuesday calling on the government to recognise the state of Palestine, but ...

Trump postpones trip to Israel

Donald Trump announced Thursday he was postponing his planned trip to Israel, just a day after the Jewish states prime ...

Indonesia should play greater role in stopping Israeli attacks: PKS

The Indonesian government must play a greater role in halting Israeli attacks against Palestinians, President of the ...

Palestinians mourn death of toddler's father, urging to punish criminals

Palestinians mourned on Saturday the death of Dawabsha, father of the toddler killed in a Jewish settlers' arson ...

Israel passes law allowing force feeding of prisoners

The Israeli parliament approved Thursday a law allowing prisoners on hunger strike to be force fed if their life is in ...

Iran, world powers clinch historic nuclear deal

Iran and six world major countries on Tuesday adopted an agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue that will put Iran on ...