#public transport

Collection of public transport news, found 398 news.

Motorcycle still preferred by Lebaran holiday travelers

Despite the obvious safety risks of long-haul travel on motorcycles in the countryside, many big city residents ...

RI to adopt ITS gradually starting in 2012

Indonesia is to adopt an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) gradually beginning in 2012, a senior transportation ...

Women prefer walking, men favor cycling as green transport

Walking is the primary means of non-motorized transportation (NMT) for women in Taiwan, while men more often ride ...

London mayor fails to get olympic tickets

Mayor Boris Johnson said he would keep trying to get tickets for the 2012 London Olympics after revealing on Wednesday ...

Three car passengers burned to death in Surabaya

The number of fatalities  in the L-300 Van fire in Masangan village, Bungah sub-district, Gresik, East Java, on ...

Traffic congestion problems in six RI cities reach alarming level

Road traffic congestion in six metropolitan cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Makassar, Medan ...

Govt yet to determine options for gasoline use cuts

The government is not yet able to determine options to be used in reducing consumption of subsidized gasoline as it ...

Tens of thousands in Serbian opposition protest

Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets in Belgrade Saturday for a major opposition rally calling for ...