
Collection of qatar news, found 771 news.

Skyscanner Sees Popularity Soar as Asian Airlines Triumph in SKYTRAX Awards

-     Last week's annual SKYTRAX World Airline Awards saw Asian airlines take four of the top five ...

Iraq vp death squad trial delayed on defence appeals

The trial of Iraq`s fugitive Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, accused of running death squads, was postponed on Sunday ...

ITS wins energy-saving car competition

The Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) team from Surabaya, East Java, won the Asia Pacific energy-saving ...

Iraq says Al Qaeda members crossing into Syria

Iraq has "solid information" that al Qaeda militants are crossing from Iraq into Syria to carry out attacks and ...

Annan proposes transitional government for Syria: Envoys

International envoy Kofi Annan has proposed setting up a Syrian transitional government that could include followers ...

Demand for Workers in Gulf Countries Remains Strong Despite Arab Spring and Global Economic Slowdown

-Western Union study states Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE prospects ...

Airport customs foil meth smuggling attempt - (d)

Soekarno-Hatta International Airport`s customs and excise officers have thwarted a smuggling attempt, seizing 1,080 ...

Fatah expects reconciliation to be on new Egyptian president`s agenda

Officials in Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Fatah party expected on Monday that the inter-Palestinian ...

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon pledges full support to Qatar for establishing the Global Dry Land

-     -- Panel of global leaders gather in Qatar National Pavilion at Rio+20 UN Conference on ...

Qatar Launches Discussions on Sustainabiliy at Rio + 20

-     Qatar's vision for innovative green growth and development took center stage at the Qatar ...

Qatar Joins New International Organization to Promote Green Growth

-     Qatar joined sixteen other industrialized, emerging economies and developing countries on ...

Foreigner detained for smuggling crystal meth

The customs and excise officers at Ngurah Rai International Airport have arrested a Ugandan man, Bashir Gadafi ...

Iraq vp lawyers ask for president to testify

Lawyers for fugitive Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, charged with running a death squad, called Thursday for ...

Western countries expel Syria envoys over killings

Seven Western governments expelled Syrian diplomats from their capitals on Tuesday in a coordinated action ...

Annan warns Syria of grave concern

Peace envoy Kofi Annan expressed "grave concern" to Syria`s President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday and Western nations ...