- Luxury real estate developer DAMAC Properties has revealed more details within AKOYA Oxygen, making it one of the ...
- It is crucial that peatlands in Indonesia are protected as they cover some 22 million hectares of land in the ...
Destructive mining practices have had a serious impact on the environment, ecosystems and wildlife habitat in ...
The United States government and the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry launched a new rainforest standard for carbon ...
Indonesia only has a few botanical gardens, but they are expected to contribute to a great extent towards conserving ...
In relation to mitigating the adverse impact of climate change, Indonesia has been implementing a number of proper ...
- After a successful Routes Asia in Mumbai which saw over 700 hundred delegates in attendance, ...
Kalimantan orangutans have attracted domestic and foreign tourists visiting Preveb at the Kutai National Park (TNK) in ...
An Australian biologist and Vietnamese colleagues have made a surprise discovery - a new species of flying frog ...
-NGO: Green misuse of 'prior consent' on land use will limit economic growth in developing countries ...
The government will take a legal action unless the Walt Disney Company would settle its boycott on paper products from ...
Twenty four companies from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand received the prestigious Asia ...
Dozens of environmental activists from Greenpeace Indonesia held a rally at the parking lot of a Kentucky Fried ...
Soon, Indonesians will not be the only ones shaking their bodies and swinging their hips to dangdut music, but so ...
Kalimantan Island or also known as Borneo is host to a vast area of the country`s remaining tropical rainforests ...