
Collection of reactor news, found 145 news.

IAEA resolution calls on DPRK to cooperate

Member states of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) passed a resolution Friday, calling on the Democratic ...

Iran nuclear talks resume in nervous atmosphere

World powers will seek to avert a collapse of diplomacy over Iran's nuclear programme at talks starting in ...

N. Korea ready for third nuclear test

North Korea has apparently finished preparations for a third nuclear test and is awaiting a political decision to go ...

Alfa Laval at ACHEMA 2012 - Sharing Recipes for Success

-         Tap into more than 125 years of world-wide experience in chemical, ...

Batan teknologi to tap world radioisotope market

Indonesian State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan has urged PT Batan Teknologi to increase its production of ...

Minister stresses need to develop nuclear energy

Research and Technology Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta said it was now the time for Indonesia to begin developing ...

U.S. envoy on North Korea arrives in Japan

The top US envoy on North Korea arrived in Tokyo on Sunday on the latest leg of his first Asian tour in the wake of ...

Int`l community appreciates ri`s progress in nuclear technology : official

The international community appreciates the progress Indonesia has made in nuclear science and technology, and ...

Three ASEAN dialog partners pledge enhanced cooperation

ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and South Korea) leaders at a meeting in Bali on Friday emphasized the need to enhance ...

Japan plans to reduce dependence on nuke energy

Noriyuki Shikata, the deputy cabinet secretary for public affairs at prime minister`s of Japan, said the country ...

Obama warns North Korea on proliferation

President Barack Obama said Thursday the United States would take firm action to prevent North Korea proliferating ...

Govt still has no plan to build nuke plant

The government still has no plan to build a nuclear power plant in the near future as it still has to familiarize the ...

Iran to stop high-grade uranium enrichment if provided with fuel

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Iran will give up 20 percent uranium enrichment if the country is ...

Iran ready to halt 20% nuclear enrichment

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday reiterated Tehran`s readiness to "immediately" stop production of low ...

VP optimistic Japan`s economy to recover

Vice President Boediono has expressed optimism that Japan`s economy will recover from the impacts of the tsunami and ...