
Collection of regime news, found 1.001 news.

News Focus

Collective action urged against Israel plan to annex West Bank

With the colonial regime in Israel expanding its territories by occupying more Arab lands, the international community ...

Skilling expands its global footprint with FSA Seychelles licence

- Forex and CFD online trading platform Skilling reached another significant milestone this year with the acquisition ...

President suggests three-point approach to NAM to tackle COVID-19

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has thrown strong light on three steps that the Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) can ...

Indonesia calls for equitable access to COVID-19 drugs, vaccines

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi has stated that Indonesia is encouraging international cooperation for developing ...

Weekend Stories

Poems of Rumi, Gu Cheng are still touching hearts, lives

“Lover whispers to my ear, Better to be a prey than a hunter. Make yourself My fool. ... so you may ...

ANTARA's Choice

Raw emotions, blunt words fill the world of modern poetry

It is fair to say that modern poetry can be rather polarizing and easily become a center of debate among poetry ...

Sebangau peat forest, a paradise under threat

A man in his 30s checks a motorboat's engine, while travelers board a vessel at Kereng Bekirai Port, one of the two ...

Buddhist leader's annual peace proposal applauds youth climate action and promotes nuclear weapons treaty

-On January 26, 2020, the 38th annual peace proposal by Daisaku Ikeda, president of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) ...

Weekend Stories

Reviving the legacy of Sabeni, the Betawi fighter

Sabeni can solely be identified through a black-and-white portrait painting, bearing Sabeni bin Channam 1860-1945, ...

Cambodia reacts to opposition plan, asserts nation's sovereignty

Reacting to the plan of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) leaders to return home, Cambodia’s Ambassador ...

Cambodia ambassador apologizes over interrupting CNRP press conference

Ambassador of Cambodia to Indonesia Hor Nambora extended an apology for his conduct that interrupted a press conference ...

Cambodia ambassador interrupts Mu Sochua's press conference

Ambassador of Cambodia to Indonesia, Hor Nambora, interrupted a press conference of opposition leader, Vice President ...

N Sumatra police apprehend two suspected of killing two journalists

Two men allegedly involved in murdering two journalists in a palm oil plantation in Labuhanbatu District, North ...

Weekend Stories

Indonesian young protesters offer hope to safeguard freedom, democracy

A university students' group marched in a human chain from nearby bus stops and closest train stations to the House ...

Military's roles in civil offices may widen: watchdog

Role of the military in civil institutions may widen after the 1998 Reformation, a movement which ended the ...