#regional disaster mitigation agency bpbd

Collection of regional disaster mitigation agency bpbd news, found 432 news.

12 survivors of sunken ship in Maluku found

Twelve passengers of MV Putri Ayu which sank in Central Maluku waters, Maluku Province, early Sunday, were found. ...

Maluku police join search for missing speedboat passengers

Maluku marine and air police are taking part in a search for nine people who went missing after their speedboat ...

Floods inundate four sub-districts in Pandeglang

Floods triggered by two days of incessant rain on Saturday inundated four sub-districts in Pandeglang, Banten ...

Floods kill nine in Central Sulawesi during 2011

At least ten floods have hit Central Sulawesi Province over the past one year, killing nine people and damaging over ...

news focus: No need to worry about this year`s drought

The current drought which had caused water crises and affected 95,891 hectares of rice fields in the country is ...

Drought escalates to all districts in E Java

The Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has recorded that the drought in East Java has spread to 29 districts ...

Magnitude-5.5 earthquake jolts Sukabumi

An earthquake measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale jolted Sukabumi District, West Java Province, and its surroundings on ...

Mt Lokon Erupts Again on Sunday

Mount Lokon again erupted and spewed hot ash into the air 3,000 meters high on Sunday at 10.42 am local time. ...

News Focus: Mt Lokon eruption forces mass evacuation

A major eruption of Mount Lokon in Tomohon, North Sulawesi, on Thursday evening (July 14) has struck local villagers ...

Govt denies causing Mt Lokon`s evacuee to starve to death

Chief People`s Welfare Minister Agung Laksono denied that an evacuee of MT Lokon in North Sulawesi had starved to ...

Residents around Mt Lokon evacuated

Around 500 residents living in dangerous areas around Mount Lokon in North Sulawesi have been evacuated to safer ...

Merapi cold lava again smashes villages

Cold lava streaming down Mount Merapi slopes through a steam on Saturday night smashed and engulfed houses up to more ...