#relief aid

Collection of relief aid news, found 245 news.

Indonesian flooding spreads to more areas

As forecast by the National Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysic Agency (BMKG), the rainy season in Indonesia has ...

Poco Poco best dance in ASEAN Night in Qatar

Poco Poco has been chosen as the best dance at ASEAN Night held by ASEAN embassies in Qatar grouped in ASEAN ...

Jokowi visits quake devastated district of Pidie Jaya

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ended his visit in Bali on Thursday flying to Aceh to inspect the process of ...

Team of geologists to fly to quake hit Pidie, Aceh

The Indonesia Geology Office said it will send a team to Pidie Jaya of Aceh, badly hit by a major quake on Wednesday ...

Relief aid, equipment rushed to victims of Garut flooding

Indonesia is in mourning following the tragedy in Garut District, West Java Province, where flash floods have led to ...

Queen Maxima witnesses financial inclusion programs in Bogor

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands is on a working visit to Bogor City, West Java, as a special envoy of the United ...

Floods inundate nine villages in Seluma, Bengkulu

Incessant heavy rains caused the rivers of Sindur and Tungkai to overflow and inundate nearly two hundred houses in ...

Floods kill three, affect 929 others in S Kalimantan

Floods hit three villages in West Pamukan Sub-district, Kotabaru District, South Kalimantan, killing three and ...

Flood kills one person in Sigi, C Sulawesi

A flash flood killed one person in Sintuwu Village, Palolo Sub-district, Sigi District, Central Sulawesi Province, on ...

Flood emergency status declared in Manokwari district

The Manokwari disaster mitigation office (BPBD) has declared a flood emergency status for the district following flash ...

Bandung floods considered worst in 10 years

Floods have spread to wider areas across Indonesian provinces in the last few weeks, with the worst flood striking ...

Social Minister to visit flood victims in Kampar, Riau

Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa is to visit flood victims in Kualu village, Tambang sub-district, ...

Floods inundate three villages in Pekalongan, Central Java

Floods triggered by incessant heavy rains since Sunday evening have submerged hundreds of homes in three villages in ...

Floods inundate 1,500 houses in Binjai, North Sumatra

Floods, reaching heights of up to two meters, inundated some 1.5 thousand houses in the South and East Binjai ...

Strong wind slams across Aceh besar damaging houses

A strong winds and heavy rain hit the regency of Aceh Besar of Aceh inflicting big material losses. The storms ...