
Collection of reptiles news, found 69 news.

The Destruction of Wildlife Preserved Evidence

The Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Forestry on November 12, 2012 at Manggala Wanabakti Plaza conduct the ...

Snakes released in Indian tax office

An Indian snake-charmer released dozens of snakes in a government tax office to protest against officials who had not ...

Dangerous condition in Surabaya Zoo must end

The Surabaya Zoo (KBS) used to be a favorite recreational place for Surabaya residents, particularly students who ...

news focus: rainforest conservation, law enforcement crucial for orangutan`s survival

Indonesia is home to the world`s remaining population of critically endangered orangutans found on Sumatra and ...

Mutant two-headed snake wows visitors at Ukrainian zoo

A snake with two heads, each able to think and eat separately and even steal food from each other, has become a ...

Turtles crossing runway cause New York flight delays

Why did the turtles cross the runway and tie up flights at John F. Kennedy International Airport? To get to the ...

Elephant population in Bengkulu increases

The population of wild elephants at the Elephant Training Center (PLG) in Seblat, North Bengkulu, Sumatra , has ...

Oil palm plantations must not harm protected forests

Oil palm estates in Kapuas Hulu district, West Kalimantan province, have been urged not to damage protected and ...

Oil palm plantations not reducing Lake Sentarum fishermen`s income

The Kapuas Hulu district head in West Kalimantan has denied that the oil palm extensification program had a bad effect ...