
Collection of researchers news, found 1.250 news.

The man behind Unsyiah`s remarkable achievement

Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) is one of Indonesias reputable higher institutions. It is not only popular among the ...

Newly discovered orangutan species in Indonesia already at risk: Greenpeace

Researchers have announced the discovery of a new orangutan species -- Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis.

LAPAN to discuss development of satellite launch station

The National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) will discuss further the plan to build a satellite launch station in ...

Axalta focuses on waterborne coatings for sustainable future at the National Polymer Symposium XI in Jakarta, Indonesia

- Axalta Coating Systems (NYSE:AXTA), a leading global supplier of liquid and powder coatings, was recently invited to ...

GPCI 2017: Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong, Sydney all rank in Global Top 10

- Five major cities in the Asia-Pacific region—Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong and ...

Facilitating dialogue between the government and the industry, The Oil & Gas Year organizes Strategic Roundtable 2017

The Oil & Gas Year (TOGY) in collaboration with Bimasena, Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) and SKK Migas ...

Zika vaccine shows promise in early human trial

A DNA-based Zika vaccine from Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc and South Koreas GeneOne Life Science Inc induced anti-Zika ...

Research finds equipment of gym much dirtier than people think

Are you still going to the gym? Have you ever thought about how much germ you would expose to when you use the ...

22nd Century now free of restrictive license agreement with British American Tobacco

- 22nd Century Group, Inc. (NYSE American: XXII), a plant biotechnology company that is focused on ...

Meratus Mountains has smallest squirrel in the world

The Meratus Mountains in South Kalimantan Province, which is a wet tropical forest, is home to one of the smallest ...

RI, Uzbekistan to enhance cooperation in agriculture

Indonesia and Uzbekistan will enhance bilateral cooperation in agriculture, as the two countries have huge potential ...

Health challenge in 72nd year of independence

The challenge of the health sector in the 72nd year of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia is to unite and ...

Kalla urges researchers, developers to gain mastery of basic technologies

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has urged researchers and developers to master simple technologies used to meet the peoples ...

Amien Sunaryadi, “we need to work faster, be more efficient and together with all players”

- The Oil and Gas Year sits down with the head of SKK Migas to talk about the institution’s contribution to ease ...