One thousand people living in Total Persada housing complex, Tangerang city, are evacuated to safer place following ...
Indonesia has been very windy over the past two weeks as the impacts of Cyclone Narelle that has been developing in ...
Heavy rain followed by a landslide that happened in Buleleng district, Bali, last Saturday night killed a local ...
A 115-year-old resident of Kawasaki, Japan, who was the world's oldest woman, died Saturday at a nursing home, the ...
- Covington & Burling has launched its Shanghai office, its third in Asia, following the opening of offices in ...
Floods and landslides triggered by incessant heavy rains over the past few days have killed three residents of Lebak ...
The traffic unit of the Surabaya city police provides a "Saturday Night Service" for people wishing to extend their ...
Floods that have hit some parts of Indonesia since November 2012, are currently expanding in a number of provinces ...
Flash floods hit several villages in Bojonegoro district, East Java province, on Wednesday, damaging hundreds of ...
Floods triggered by incessant downpours have inundated hundreds of houses in Blega, Bangkalan, Madura Island, East ...
One climber was found dead and another in critical condition during New Year celebrations at the peak of Mount Sindoro ...
The citizens of Curup village, North Dempo district, Pagaralam city, South Sumatra province, have found three statues ...
Egyptian security forces have detained an Israeli army officer in the Taba region of the Sinai peninsula after he ...
Floods hit the Nagari Tiku Lima Jorong village, Agam district, West Sumatra province on Sunday and caused at least ...
A flood inundated hundreds of houses in several parts of Gorontalo city on Sunday night following heavy rains in the ...