
Collection of returning news, found 1.305 news.

Pakistani journalist shot dead in tribal region

Unidentified gunmen shot dead a senior journalist in Pakistan's restive tribal region Wednesday, his family and ...

Leiden library urged to return Indonesian ancient manuscripts

The Javanology Institute of the Sebelas Maret University (UNS) in Solo has continuously been seeking ways to get ...

"Die Hard" action beats love stories at box office

The fifth movie in the Bruce Willis Die Hard franchise scored the biggest box-office action over the US holiday ...

Ruling party figure denies general chairman`s replacement

A ruling Democratic Party figure denied that the party would replace its present general chairman, Anas Urbaningrum. ...

Yudhoyono monitors situation in Egypt

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono confirmed he would continue with his planned visit to Egypt to attend the ...

Thousand evacuees in Kampung Melayu return home

Thousand evacuees in Kampung Melayu returned home on Monday as the flood water in one of the worst-hit areas in the ...

Farhad Darya, Valy Hedjazi, Aryana Sayeed, and Shabana Meheryar Headline Star Performers at the 7th Annual ATN Awards to

- Some of the world's most famous Afghan musicians and performers from around the world will gather on Monday, January ...

Truck queues at Merak port almost overcome

The long queue at Merak port of trucks willing to be ferried to Bakauheni port of Sumatra has since Saturday night ...

Technical factors push down rupiah on Wednesday

The rupiah dropped to Rp9,790 per dollar on Wednesday due to technical factors. "Technically, the rupiah`s ...

Bengawan Solo flood in Bojonegoro receding

The flood caused by the overflow of Bengawan Solo River in Bojonegoro regency, East Java province, is showing signs of ...

EMOZE Sets a New Standard for Email Experience on Android

-     EMOZE Ltd., a leading provider of transparent, synchronized mobile push messaging and push ...

Lebanon approves plan to tackle Syrian refugees

The Lebanese government adopted Thursday a three-part plan to tackle the influx of Syrian refugees, despite the ...

Clinton discharged from hospital

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was released from a New York hospital late Wednesday three days after being ...

President expresses concern over accident of minister's son

President Susilo Yudhoyono has expressed concern over a fatal road accident involving Chief Economic Minister Hatta ...

Police say situation in Kutai Barat returning to normal

National Police Chief General Timur Pradopo said situation in Kutai Barat, Kalimantan, has returned to normal while ...