#rice import

Collection of rice import news, found 100 news.

Legislator urges Indonesian govt to pledge not to import rice

House of Representatives' (DPR's) Commission IV member Andi Akmal Pasluddin has pinned high hopes on the ...

President Jokowi observes rice harvesting activities in Indramayu

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), on Wednesday, paid a working visit to Indramayu District, West Java, to witness rice ...

DPD chief urges building contractors to be heedful of environment

Regional Representative Council (DPD) Chief A. A. La Nyalla Mahmud Mattalitti has called on building contractors to ...

President stresses no rice imports have entered Indonesia so far

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has assured farmers that Indonesia will not import rice, at least until June, ...

No rice imports if stocks suffice: KSP

The government will not import rice if the supply is sufficient, and the farmers have entered the rice harvest season, ...

DPD chief averse to rice import policy amid harvest period

Indonesian Regional Representative Council (DPD RI) Chief A. A. LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti believes that the policy to ...

Bulog to prioritize absorbing domestically produced rice over imports

National Logistics Agency (Bulog) President Director Budi Waseso affirmed that his agency had accorded priority to ...

Central Java governor asks government to reconsider rice imports

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has asked the central government to reconsider its plan to import 1 million tons ...

News Focus

Global rice market sensitivity be accorded to right domestic policy

The fact that the trade of rice commodities among nations is merely five percent of the global rice production traded ...

Presidential Debate

Import to maintain food stock availability: Jokowi

Incumbent presidential candidate Joko Widodo stated that rice import is aimed at ensuring food supply ...

Making Indonesia the world`s food barn

Despite Indonesia`s population steadily increasing, the country has not yet achieved a food security, which is, by ...

Government needs to improve data on rice production

The government needs to improve its data on rice production, as accurate figures will be important in deciding whether ...

Indonesia has no plan to import rice: VP

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has hinted that the Indonesian Government would not implement its rice import policy ...

News focus - Audit needed to end rice import polemic By Andi Abdussalam

The polemic on whether Indonesia needs to import rice once again surfaces in public discourses, prompting the ...

Rice imports based on detailed analysis and studies: lawmaker

A lawmaker said the decision on rice import, which has triggered controversy, was based on detailed analysis and study ...