
Collection of rice news, found 3.328 news.

Annual Speech

Jokowi accentuates need to optimize green economy development

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) drew attention to the need to optimize clean energy resources and the green economy to ...

Annual Speech

President attends 2022 Annual Session to deliver annual, budget speech

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) attended the 2022 Annual Session of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) to ...

Indonesia's rice self-sufficiency gift for Independence Day: IPB

Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Chancellor Arif Satria commended Indonesia's feat of achieving rice ...

July exports up 32.03% year on year: BPS

The value of Indonesia’s exports rose 32.03 percent to US$25.57 billion in July this year from US$19.37 billion ...

Ministry urges food cooperatives to adapt to digital transformation

Secretary General of the Communication and Informatics Ministry Mira Tayyiba has urged food cooperatives ...

Potential of solar-powered pumps to water rainfed rice fields

Priyatno was engrossed in checking the condition of the groundwater pump in the rice farming area in Kalijaran Village, ...

News Focus

Sugarcane land expansion to attain self-sufficiency in sugar

Sugar is among Indonesia's nine staple goods (sembako), with continually increasing consumption levels for both ...

High level of rice stock proves RI's food system resilience: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the national rice stock until April 2022 has reached 10.2 million tons, which ...

Indonesia receives IRRI's award for reaching rice self-sufficiency

Indonesia has received an award from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) for its achievement in reaching ...

Rice stock adequate for next two years before export: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered his aides to ensure rice stock adequacy to meet national demand until the ...

Management of Undisan Tourism Village to inspire other regions

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno stated that management of the Undisan Tourism Village in Bali could ...

Boosting local food production can help cut import reliance: ministry

Strengthening the production of local food crops, such as sorghum, could help cut Indonesia's dependence on ...

BRIN seeks sorghum development to reduce wheat imports

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) is encouraging the development and utilization of sorghum as an ...

Extreme weather effects in Lanny Jaya being handled well: KSP

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) ensured that the handling of extreme weather impacts in Lanny Jaya District, Papua, ...

Ministry prepares steps to mitigate impact of global food crisis

The Agriculture Ministry has prepared a number of strategies to address the impact of the current global food crisis, ...