#rp2 billion

Collection of rp2 billion news, found 176 news.

House agrees to cut Bappenas budget by Rp46.47 billion

The House of Representatives (DPR RI) agreed to slash the budget of the National Development Planning Agency ...

Indonesian gov continues negotiations on Sutinah`s amends

Indonesian government continues to negotiate for Sutinah, a woman migrant worker who had received death sentence from ...

Indonesian navy investigating mongolian tanker for carrying illegal crude

The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) is investigating a Mongolian-registered tanker impounded in the Bangka Strait last ...

UNRWA Urges Indonesia To Increase Assistance For Palestinian Refugees

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has called on Indonesia to ...

Akil still denies accepting bribe

Constitutional Court Chairman Akil Mochtar continues to deny having accepted bribes, though the Corruption Eradication ...

Constitutional Court chief justice arrested over alleged corruption

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) arrested Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK), AM, who was ...

RI ready to revitalize six abattoirs

Indonesia`s Ministry of Agriculture is ready to revitalize this year six abattoirs in meat production centers to ...

Four people arrested with billions of rupiahs in fake money

The police have arrested four people with billions of rupiahs in fake money in Sleman, Yogyakarta . "The ...

Surabaya Great Expo 2013 to last from June 12 to 16

The city administration of Surabaya will open a 5-day Surabaya Great Expo 2013 on Wednesday in the East Java capital, ...

Customs authorities foils attempt to smuggle drug

The customs authorities of Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, foiled an attempt to smuggle in Rp1 billion worth of drug ...

Aceh`s volunteers to leave for Gaza to hand over donation

Two Aceh`s volunteers grouped in the National Committee for Palestinian People (KNRP) will leave for Gaza, Palestine, ...

Rupiah gains slightly

The Indonesian currency rupiah gained slightly against the US dollar in trade on Monday. Rupiah closed at 9,685 ...

KPK confiscated US$550,000 from witness in graft case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confiscated US$550,000 from Andi Zulkarnaen Mallarangeng (Choel ...

Business tycoon sentenced to 32 months in jail for bribery

Business tycoon Hartati Murdaya was found guilty of committing a corruption crime on Monday and sentenced to two years ...

KPK should take over the suspicious bank account case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) should handle the case pertaining to a suspicious bank account which is ...