#rp2 billion

Collection of rp2 billion news, found 176 news.

Big business leader prohibited to leave country

A big business leader has been prohibited to leave the country over alleged corruption case linked to Jakarta Bay ...

Drug kingpin jailed for 15 years in Ogan Komering Ilir

The Palembang district court on Tuesday sentenced a drug kingpin in Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI), South Sumatra to 15 ...

Indonesia to host OIC Summit in Jakarta

Indonesia will host the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit in Jakarta, from March 6 to 7, 2016. ...

Anti-drug agency nabs drug kingpin in Riau

The National Anti Drug Agency (BNN) has succeeded in catching a drug kingpin in the district of Bengkalis, Riau ...

Surabaya saves Rp2 billion through waste processing

The Surabaya city government in East Java saves around Rp2 billion every year, thanks to an organic waste processing ...

Jakarta police hunt financier of online football gambling

Jakarta police are hunting RD, an alleged financier of an online international football gambling activity through ...

President Joko Widodo Emphasizes Importance Of UN Reform

President Joko Widodo has emphasized a need for reform in the UN to overcome several regional crises believed to have ...

Asia-Africa conference to reaffirm support for Palestine`s independence

The Asia-Africa Conference (ACC) was first organized in Bandung, West Java, on April 18-24, 1955, at the initiative ...

Trade ministry takes four steps to stabilize basic commodity prices

Indonesian Trade Ministry is taking four concrete steps to return basic commodity prices to an ideal level in the wake ...

Bali allocates Rp6.18 billion to prevent, control rabies

The administration of Bali province has set aside Rp6.18 billion for rabies vaccinations as part of prevention and ...

Indonesia allocates two billion rupiah for Palestinian capacity building

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has committed to allocate funds amounting to Rp2 billion ...

KPK traces treasure of non-active Riau Governor

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is tracing and taking data of non-active Riau Governor Annas Maamuns ...

Confiscated documents brought to Jakarta: KPK

All documents that the Corruption Eradication Commissions (KPK) investigators confiscated from different places, ...

KPK seizes documents from Riau governor`s house

Investigators of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) raided the house of Riau Governor Annas Maamun here on Sunday ...

BCA to reduce interest rate for deposits above Rp25 billion

PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) Tbk. has cut the interest rate for deposits above Rp25 billion from 9.25 percent to 9.0 ...