
Collection of sale news, found 1.167 news.

Two F-16 fighter planes arrive from the United States

Two units of fighter aircraft F-16 C/D-52ID, a grant from the United States, arrived and landed at the Iswahjudi air ...

Wintermar Offshore (WINS.JK) FY2016 operating profit grows 68% to US$4.9million

Wintermar Offshore Marine (WINS.JK) has announced FY2016 financial results. Operating profit rose 68% YOY to US$4.9M, ...

Indonesia to showcase 200 book titles at London Book Fair

Indonesia will showcase 200 book titles at the London Book Fair and Insights Program from March 14 to 16, 2017. ...

Agriculture minister calls on Bulog to purchase farmers` maize

Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman has urged state-owned logistics board (Bulog) to purchase the farmers maize at ...

PP72/2016 not to eliminate House control of state firm: Minister

Governments Regulation (PP) No. 72/2016 on State Capital Participation and Administration in State-Owned Enterprises ...

Aneka Tambang records highest production, sale

Indonesias mining company PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) recorded the highest production and sale of ferronickel in history ...

Picasso estate sold to Scepter Chairman Rayo Withanage

- The sprawling estate and final home of Pablo Picasso in Mougins, France was sold for an undisclosed sum to Brunei ...

Indonesia gains 242 billion rupiah at Spanish int`l tourism fair

Indonesian tourism industries gain expected foreign exchange amounted to Rp242 billion from the sale of tour and ...

"RETAILTECH JAPAN" and "SECURITY SHOW": Japan's Largest Exhibitions Specializing in Retail Information Systems and Security Solutions to Be Held

TOKYO--(Antara/BUSINESS WIRE) Nikkei Inc. will hold two popular exhibitions simultaneously. The first, "RETAILTECH ...

Author sold 300 copies of "Jokowi Undercover"

"Jokowi Undercover", a controversial book containing defamatory claims about President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), has sold ...

Bali`s economy grows faster than national average

Balis economy grew 6.17 percent in the third quarter of this year, exceeding the national average growth of 5.02 ...

Hitachi Zosen to acquire Osmoflo Holdings

- Hitachi Zosen Corporation (TOKYO:7004) has announced that it entered into a share sale and purchase agreement to ...

J.M. Huber Corporation reaches agreement to sell Silica business to Evonik for $630 million

- The J.M. Huber Corporation announced today that it has signed a definitive agreement to sell the ...

Book hand-written and illustrated by JK rowling up for sale

"Harry Potter" fans will be able to bid for a piece of history next week when a book designed, hand-written and ...

Prohibiting cigarette sales to children

Smoking among youth can be significantly reduced by effectively enforcing prohibition of cigarette sales to children. ...