
Collection of satellite news, found 1.002 news.

Hawaii Pacific Teleport Hires Jim Lyons from Rockwell Collins

-     Hawaii Pacific Teleport (http://www.hawaiiteleport.com) ("HPT"), a leading global satellite ...

Bayer Animal Health Helps Swine Producers Feed the World

-         - Leading animal health company puts future of swine production on top of ...

China to help Indonesia develop digital TV network

China is ready to assist Indonesia in developing a digital television network. China Digital TV is the leading ...

Iran ex-president sees Facebook as a "blessing"

Facebook is a "blessing" that helps freedom-seeking movements challenge tyranny, a former president of Iran -- which ...

Turkish businessmen explore business opportunities in Indonesia

A professional association dealing with IT companies and the export activities of electronics and electrical machinery ...

The Great Gatsby International Satellite Trailer Debut

-     From Warner Bros. Pictures and the uniquely imaginative mind of writer/producer/director Baz ...

Top officials meet as North Korea nuclear test feared

Senior US, South Korean and Japanese officials began talks Monday on North Korea and other issues amid concerns the ...


-     Daniel Craig is back as Ian Fleming's James Bond 007 in Skyfall, the 23rd adventure in the ...

Indonesia`s religious harmony reflected in WPA-2012

Religious harmony and tolerance could be truly experienced at the World Prayer Assembly (WPA-2012) in Jakarta. On ...

South Korea, US, Japan to hold talks on North Korea

South Korea, the United States and Japan will hold high-level talks next week about North Korea, Seoul's foreign ...

NOAA satellite detects 12 hotspots in Riau

The US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) satellite has detected 12 hotspots at six districts in ...

Indonesia to host World Prayer Assembly 2012

Coordinating Minister for People`s Welfare Agung Laksono is scheduled to open the World Prayer Assembly 2012, running ...

Saudi intelligence, CIA infiltrated Al Qaeda in Yemen

A bomber from the al Qaeda affiliate in Yemen sent to blow up a U.S.-bound airliner last month was actually a double ...

Waves in Bengkulu waters two meters high

The Bengkulu Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said the height of the sea waves in Bengkulu has ...

BMKG detects six new hotspots in Riau

The Pekanbaru station of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has detected through the National ...