The state-owned lender Bank Mandiri reported Rp3.8 trillion in net profit in the first quarter of 2016 thanks to ...
The governments one million houses development program this year has been progressing at a slow pace. Till last ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) chaired a cabinet plenary meeting at the ministry/state secretariats main building here ...
The countrys anti-graft body (KPK) will review the names of Indonesian individuals or companies that are part of the ...
Regulations are required to access taxpayers credit card transactions data, particularly of individual tax payers (WP ...
A legislator has proposed that the taxpayers numbers (NPWP) should be included in their identity cards (KTP) to make ...
State-owned lender Bank Mandiri said it would cut its lending rate by 25 - 50 basis points to follow the central bank ...
The House of Representatives (DPR) and the government have passed six bills into law during the third session the ...
- Johnson Controls' comprehensive building solution has enabled 34-year-old Sun Hung Kai Centre, a 53-story mixed-use ...
-Elitecore Technologies, a global provider of Next-generation BSS, Packet Core and Carrier Wi-Fi ...
In order to make the countrys economy more efficient and competitive as it faces the ASEAN Economic Community, the ...
Indonesia will strengthen its defenses in its outermost regions bordering other countries, defense forces commander, ...
Chief Economic Minister Darmin Nasution said the government is finalizing steps to lower the lending rate which is ...
- Comba Telecom Systems Holdings Limited ("Comba Telecom" or "the Group"), (Hong Kong stock code: 2342), a global ...
- Lux Review, an independent media covering energy-efficient lighting, recently ...