#search and rescue

Collection of search and rescue news, found 1.286 news.

Basarnas prepares for Indonesia-Singapore joint exercise

The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) has conducted a preparatory workshop ahead of the joint search and ...

Gov't should prioritize saving flood, landslide victims: House Speaker

House of Representatives' (DPR's) speaker Puan Maharani urged the government to focus on saving and providing ...

Sri Lankan fishing boat believed to be drifting in Aceh waters

Panglima Laot, a traditional organization of Aceh fishermen, on Monday received a report about a Sri Lankan fishing ...

Indonesia chairs ASEAN Transport Ministers Meeting in Bali

Indonesia  chaired  ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting and ASEAN Transport Ministers Meeting held in ...

Game-changing solutions showcased at five HKTDC tech fairs

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is hosting five autumn technology fairs at the Hong Kong Convention ...

Minister Rismaharini hands over aid for landslide victims in Bogor

Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini disbursed aid to the refugees of landslides that occurred twice in Kebonkelapa ...

West Sulawesi Police ensures flood victims receive assistance

West Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector General Verdianto I Bitticaca made assurance that assistance reached the residents ...

Ministry seeks to strengthen synergy to optimize shipping safety

The Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Transportation Ministry has continued efforts to optimize shipping ...

Compensation of Rp15 mln for Bali's rain-related disasters victims

Compensation of Rp15 million is being provided for those who died following heavy rainfall which led to landslides and ...

SAR team evacuates foreign tourists from Seminyak, Bali

The Denpasar Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas) and a joint search and rescue (SAR) team evacuated international and ...

11 stranded in Komodo National Park waters, rescued

Maumere Office, Lalu Wahyu Effendi, informed. The vessel, which was headed to Sabolo Island with 11 tourists and two ...

G20 Indonesia

Bali government updates Indian delegation on G20 Summit's preparations

The Bali provincial government shared details regarding the readiness to hold the 2022 G20 Summit with the delegation ...

Indonesia, Malaysia hold 41st SAR joint exercise

Indonesia and Malaysia are holding the 41st Search and Rescue (SAR) joint exercise on the maritime boundary between ...

House Commission V agrees on budget ceiling of three ministries

The House of Representatives' (DPR's) Commission V agreed on the budget ceiling of three ministries and two ...

Gov't distributes 6,789 food packages to flood victims in West Papua

The government has provided 6,789 food packages to flood and landslide victims in the city of Sorong, West Papua ...