#settle in

Collection of settle in news, found 705 news.

Economic sanctions can be imposed on Myanmar: Expert

Economic sanctions, until the use of force, can be imposed on Myanmar to save Rohingya ethnic minority members. ...

Suu Kyi must take prompt action over Rohingya crisis: SBY

Former Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) has urged Myanmars leader Aung San Suu Kyi to take prompt ...

PDIP condemns Rohingya oppression

The Indonesia Democratic Party Struggle (PDIP) has condemned the recent oppression of the ethnic Rohingya community in ...

BUMN ready to take majority stake in Freeport: Minister

State-owned mining companies (BUMN) are ready to take a majority stake in PT Freeport Indonesia by the end of 2018 ...

President postpones launch of 16th economic policy package

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has decided to postpone the launch of the 16th economic policy package indefinitely due ...

Indonesian nation must not hesitate to guard sovereignty: President

The Indonesian nation must not hesitate to protect its sovereignty against various threats, President Joko Widodo ...

Jokowi to announce 16th policy package after independence day celebrations

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has planned to announce the 16th economic policy package after the commemoration of the ...

Some 1,834 suspects detained in illegal levy cases: Chief minister

A total of 1,834 suspects have been detained by the police till July 2017 in illegal levies cases, Coordinating ...

President Jokowi orders immediate settlement of acid attack case

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Tuesday ordered an immediate settlement of the case related to an acid attack on the ...

Police ordered to uncover anti-graft agency investigator`s attack case

President Joko Widodo here on Monday ordered police chief General Tito Karnavian to immediately uncover the acid ...

Indonesia strongly denounces ban on prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque

The Indonesian government has strongly denounced the Israeli ban on prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, ...

Manpower office to facilitate meeting between Freeport and workers

The manpower office of the Mimika District, Papua, said it would soon facilitate negotiation between Mimika Labor ...

More support coming to back up KPK facing parliament pansus

The association of the alumnus of the University of Indonesia (Iluni UI) and the executive board of students of the ...

Indonesia to ask Malaysia to extend rehiring program

Indonesia will ask Malaysia to extend its rehiring program that took place from February 15 to June 30, 2017, as part ...

Seeking government`s intervention in Freeport`s labor problem

Over the past several years, labor strikes have hit PT Freeport Indonesia (FI), but the subsidiary of the US mining ...