#shot dead

Collection of shot dead news, found 670 news.

Jokowi cautions against public legal enforcement instilling fear

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) drew attention of legal enforcers to be wary that fulfilling public duties should not ...

Shouts of "Takbir" and pray for Habib Rizieq Shihab

Several sympathizers of Islam Defenders Front (FPI) leader Habib Rizieq Shihab shouted "Allahu Akbar" while ...

FPI leader Habib Rizieq Shihab respects legal process

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police hinted at Islam Defenders Front (FPI) leader Habib Rizieq Shihab being directly ...

FPI leader Shihab arrives at Jakarta police HQ for questioning

Islam Defenders Front (FPI) leader Habib Rizieq Shihab kept his promise by showing up at the Jakarta Metropolitan ...

MPR calls for independent probe into shooting of FPI members

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Speaker Hidayat Nur Wahid has sought the “immediate” ...

Police: Conducting professional probe into deaths of six FPI members

National Police said it is conducting a “professional” and “transparent” probe into the fatal ...

MUI demands fair law enforcement for public sense of justice

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) pressed for applying fair law enforcement in the case of Islam Defenders Front (FPI) ...

Jakarta police to act firmly against those harming diversity

Chief of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police Inspector General Fadil Imran has vowed to take firm action against mass ...

Police supports Komnas HAM forming team probing FPI members' shooting

Police welcomed National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) establishing a team to investigate fatal shooting of ...

PPP seeks independent probe into shooting of FPI members

The United Development Party (PPP) has called for an independent investigation into the shooting of six members of the ...

Rights body's fact-finding team probes alleged shooting of FPI members

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) formed a team to study profoundly information developing in the ...

Jakarta Police shoot dead Shihab's six guards for attacking officers

Officers of the Jakarta Police shot dead six guards of Rizieq Shihab for attacking on-duty investigation officers, ...

Atanius Murib's body has yet to get evacuated: police

The body of Atanius Murib (16), a student of Ilaga senior high school (SMA) who was gunned down by unidentified armed ...

MIT terrorist group's two suspected members neutralized in C Sulawesi

Personnel from the Operation Tinombala joint police and military task force shot dead the Eastern Indonesia Mujahidin ...

Densus 88 arrests four suspected terrorists in Lampung

The National Police's counterterrorism squad, Densus 88, has arrested four suspected terrorists in three different ...