#significant progress

Collection of significant progress news, found 293 news.

Thai foreign minister hails Myanmar Amnesty for political prisoners

Thai Minister of Foreign Affairs Surapong Tovichakchaikul on Saturday hailed the move by Myanmar government to free ...

Myanmar democratization, South China sea among RI`s interests in 2012

The democratization process in Myanmar and progress in discussions on the South China Sea Code of Conduct will be ...

Myanmar must consistently implement asean`s political principles

When assuming the position of ASEAN chairman in 2014, Myanmar is expected to consistently implement the ...

Indonesia overseas missions expected to help increase bilateral trade

Indonesian representative offices abroad are expected to contribute to the improvement of the volume and value of ...

No breakthrough on mideast peace, talks to go on

Israeli and Palestinian negotiators made no breakthrough during their first high-level discussions in more than a year ...

Grouping could become economic, socio-economic power

Communications and Informatics Minister Tifatul Sembiring said countries grouped in the Association of Southeast ...

Mandalika being developed into world tourist resort

West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province is expected to have a world-class tourist resort comparable to Bali, when the ...

RI foreign minister to visit Myanmar

Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said he is to visit Myanmar by the end of October in accordance with a ...

RI welcomes Myanmar`s commitment to release thousands of prisoners

Indonesia welcomes the Myanmar government`s commitment to release thousands of prisoners in the country, Foreign ...

VP Boediono checks preparations for 19th ASEAN Summit in Bali

Vice President Boediono chaired a meeting on Thursday to ascertain the status of preparations for the upcoming 19th ...

Subsidized fuel quota for 2012 set at 40 mln kl

The House of Representatives (DPR) and the government have agreed to set the quota of subsidized fuel oils for 2012 at ...

RI unable to make progress with its natural resources: Kalla

Former vice president Yusuf Kalla said Indonesia was rich in natural resources but until now it was not yet able to ...

National team to face Palestine, Jordan in trial matches

After holding week-long exercises at the Cilegon Krakatau Steel sports stadium, the Indonesia`s senior soccer team ...

ASEAN Economy Grows by 7.5 per cent

ASEAN economy has proven itself to be resilient, but there are lingering challenges and risks, including the sovereign ...

Boediono opens ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting in Manado

Vice President Boediono opened the 43rd ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting and Related Meetings here on Wednesday with ...