A forensic team of the National Police Headquarters is examining the DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) of the suicide ...
Jennifer Lopez was named People Magazine`s most beautiful woman in the world on Wednesday, capping a career comeback ...
Thickly hairy caterpillars which were found in many places in Probolinggo regency, East Java, have also attacked ...
- Cytotech Labs, a Boston based pharmaceutical company and member of the Berg ...
Some 20 Kedawung villagers of Pejagoan sub-district in Kebumen regency, Central Java, had been attacked by ...
Men also have to be involved in efforts to prevent the infection of women by the human papilloma virus (HPV) that ...
South Korea`s state quarantine service said Friday that a locally produced baby formula was found to be contaminated ...
In an effort to step up the pace of economic development in disadvantaged regions, the government will intensify ...
A suicide attack on a supermarket in Kabul`s upmarket embassy district on Friday killed at least nine people, three of ...
Bird flu has been a threat to the East Kalimantan city of Samarinda area over the past three weeks of January, ...
More than a quarter of drinking wells in Vietnam`s densely-populated Red River delta contain unsafe levels of arsenic ...
Japanese researchers will launch a project this year to resurrect the long-extinct mammoth by using cloning technology ...